chapter 10

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Harry's pov

I feel betrayed, what daughter ignores her dad's orders well obviously mine. I told her not to fall for him or become a couple with him as he's bad news but no shed did the opposite and when he kissed her she kissed back. I told her to get in the car straight away and we didn't say anything all the way home. When we did she went straight upstairs and Louis asked what happened and I told him and he went oh. I went and phoned mum

"Hey mum" I say

"Hey Harry" she says

"I feel betrayed" I say

"Why honey" she says and I told her everything

"Well honey its done with she may of betrayed you but you cant come between young love, if your protecting her or not and she needs to make her own mistakes. That's the only way she will" she says

"I know mum" I say

"Exactly Harry plus you were like this and so was Gemma at that age" she says

"But mum, I wish I hadn't taken her in" I say

We carried on talking and I came out of the room and heard crying coming from Dani's room and I went upstairs and she was crying in Louis' arms, I bet she heard me

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