chapter 19

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Harry's pov

Okay so we go on break today and I was so excited as I get to see my little girl today, everything was packed that needed to be washed and brought back and the van arrived. We all climbed in and it took us straight to our plane and we all climbed on. When everyone was on, we got in the air.

When we landed I rushed to get off, when we got off we went through the airport and did everything we needed to do and then I left along with Louis, when I saw Dani, I ran and picked her up and span her about. Louis and the others gave her a massive hug also. When we got in the van to take us home, Mum put her case in the car also and gave me a hug and said she had to dash because of work. I said thanks for looking after her and so did Dani and she said we were welcome and we left. I feels so good to be in England and have my little girl with me

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