chapter 11

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hhhDani's pov

He wishes he never took me in, all because I'm dating Cruz. As I soon as I heard it I ran upstairs and bumped into Uncle Louis and ran to my room

"Dani" he said

He came to my room and saw me crying and sat on my bed and sat me on his lap, I cried into his shoulder and he shh'd me and rubbed my back and calmed my down

"Now are you going to tell me why a beautiful girl as yourself is crying" he said

"Dad" I say

"Oh goodness what has he done" he said

"He said he wish he never took me in" I say and carry on crying

That's when I heard someone clear their throat, I looked up and saw dad, and then I ran in to the study and I heard uncle Louis shout at him for what he said. I then heard dad say 'oh god what have I done, if only I knew she was standing there' then uncle Louis said he had to come and sort me out and go and clear things up. I cried in the corner still and I saw dad come in, he said we should go for a walk and that I should get some shoes and a coat on. I wonder what will happen next

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