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It had been six days since the attack on the small group that left five dead, but the pain wasn’t going away. Now, everyone but Jack, Andrew and Haley were gathered in Amelia’s living room.

“Now,” Tori said, standing proudly at the head of the group, “I think we need to decide who our leader is.”

Amelia stepped in, “No, Tori. We already had an agreement that-“

“Oh hush you ginger,” Tori rolled her eyes and silenced Amelia.

A deep, furious anger burned in Amelia. After Jeff, Amber, and Morgan’s deaths, Tori had become more and more unbearable. “She’s always been like this,” she heard herself hissing into Brendan’s ear, “the pretend leader, a liar, and a just plain bitch.” The two had discussed Tori merely the day before.

“I know,” he shook his head, “but what are we supposed to do?”

”As I was saying,” Tori continued, “we need a set leader before we move on. Now, raise of hands, who thinks it should be me?”

Nobody raised their hands at first, and Tori became impatient. “What? I don’t see anyone else volunteering! I’m the best and only option,” Tori sneered.

Everyone looked around, and slowly, Brendan raised his hand. Amelia made eye contact with him, and her eyes must’ve displayed her raw anger, because Brendan quickly looked away. Rachael and Sherri also raised their hands.

Amelia stepped forward, “Tori,” she growled, “no.”

“What did you say to me?” Tori hissed, turning and pressing Amelia against the door.

“I said, no,” Amelia straightened her spine and shoulders and leaned in, “Victoria.”

“Don’t call me that!” Tori screamed, pressing up against Amelia.

Amelia, getting defensive, pushed her away and into the back of the couch; the people sitting on the couch jumped and winced.

“Guys!” Brendan shouted, “Calm down!”

“Oh shut up, Brendan,” Tori snapped, “I think Amelia and I have some… unfinished business.”

Amelia clenched her jaw, and balled her hands into fists at her sides; she was desperately trying to control her temper, because when she lost it, she lost it.

“What?” Tori taunted, “Afraid? Worried that everyone likes me more than you? Because they do, you know. You’re a conceited ginger whore, and you’re worthless.”

“Calling me those things won’t make you better,” Amelia said, trying to not only keep her voice level, but also to stop herself from ripping Tori’s throat out.

Tori smiled and turned around, looking at everyone in the room, “Aw isn’t that cute? She’s trying to take the moral high ground!” Tori turned and bore into Amelia with her deep brown marbles, “Well it’s too late for that, sweetheart.”

Amelia’s hands were shaking now, “Tori, I’m warning you, I’m stronger than you. This won’t end well for anybody.”

Tori rolled her eyes, “Oh please! Amy, you’re dreaming, I could overpower you easily.” Licking her lips, Tori added, “And that boy of yours? Jack? He’ll be mine in no time. You never were the prettiest Amy… Never could get a boy. And even though the world’s ended, nothing’s changed. Jack will be mine… and technically, he already is.” Tori turned around and faced the group, “I always was a sucker for British accents.”

What Tori didn’t know is that she had just shoved Amelia past her breaking point; she had poured gasoline over Amelia’s already smoldering nerves. “Tori,” Amelia’s voice was low and threatening, “Shut. Up.”

“Oh yeah! And that last boy you liked? What was his name? Chase?” Tori obviously hadn’t heard Amelia as she continued, “He deserved to die,” Tori rolled her eyes, “the son of a bitch rejected me,” Tori laughed, “me. And then the best he could do was try and be with some lady of the night like you who’s so desperate she’d take anyone.”

“You bitch!” Amelia screamed. That was it; Tori had done it now.

Tori turned around in time to get slammed back into the couch by Amelia. “Bring it on, whore!” Tori spit back, grabbing a chunk of Amelia’s hair.

“Oh,” Amelia said, practically picking Tori up and slamming her against a wall, “It’s on. You mess with the ram and you get the horns.”

Tori spit in Amelia’s face, and there were a few gasps from around the room. Amelia took a moment and slowly wiped Tori’s spit off her face. Tori was smirking. Amelia smiled, and then slammed Tori in the face with a hard right hook.

Tori’s head smacked into the wall with a thud.

“Amelia!” Sherri cried, “Stop it!”

Amelia didn’t hear Sherri though, all she heard were Tori’s words ringing through her head, “Jack will be mine… and technically, he already is. And that last boy you liked? What was his name? Chase? He deserved to die.”

Amelia grabbed Tori and dragged her through the house and outside by her hair while she screamed.

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