Chapter Five

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Amelia looked back over at Andrew and nodded slowly.

“How did you know?” He frowned, sitting down in front of her.

“I know you, Andy, and I know that you would never leave Miranda unless you knew she was okay… or that you knew she was dead,” Amelia let out a breath, “and you haven’t been yourself lately.”

Andrew rolled his brown eyes, “Did you ever think that could’ve been because the world just randomly decided to end?”

Amelia laughed gently, “Um, yeah, actually I did. I also thought it might’ve been because you’ll never get to play your Xbox again…”

They both laughed.

“Yeah, well…” Andrew trailed off.

Amelia's smile faded, “I’m sorry Andrew. I loved her too,” she gently laid a hand on his shoulder.

Andrew nodded.

Amelia licked her lips and pulled her hand back, “How did you get this?”

Andrew shrugged, “Couldn’t help myself,” he took a ragged breath, “I also… found this, under your pillow.”

He pulled out a black handgun.

Amelia’s eyes opened wide, “What?”

“The letter,” Andrew flicked the gun in the direction of the letter in Amelia’s hand, “said to look under your pillow… So I did. I found this.” Andrew held out the gun, and Amelia took it. “There was also this,” Andrew reached in the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out ammunition for the gun, “and this.”

Amelia looked up and almost broke down crying; it was a family photo.

Brian, Mom, Dad, Shenandoah, Buddy, December’s Keep, Rosie-Piper, and Amelia.

“Oh,” Amelia wiped a tear from the corner of her eye as she took it from Andrew.

Andrew smiled and got up, opening Amelia’s door.

She got up and hugged him, “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear.

He smiled and pulled back, “Anytime.” Amelia leaned forward and gently kissed him on the cheek.

Andrew froze, and looked at her funny when she pulled back, “Be uh, be careful with that,” Andrew pointed at her gun.

Amelia shoved the ammo in one pocket, the family photo in another, and then put the gun in the hem of her dark wash skinny jeans.

Andrew nodded and began turning around when Amelia grabbed his arm, “Hey Andy?”

He turned around, “Yes?”

“Meet me at the front door in five. I want you to come with me on my expedition.”

Andrew raised his eyebrows, “Where will I be headed?”

“Just a few houses over… I have a hunch-”

Andrew nodded, “Say no more, I’ll be there,” then he turned on his heel and in the blink of an eye he was out of Amelia’s sight.

Replacing him was Jack’s disapproving stare. “What was that all about?” Jack asked.

Amelia shrugged, “Nothing.”

“He was in your room. Why?”

“Um? We were just talking-”

“While you were getting dressed? Did he help you?”

“God no!” Amelia said, thoroughly appalled, “Jack, are you crazy? Just, just no!”

Jack sighed and shook his head, looking at the wall next to Amelia. “I’m… I’m gonna go see what Rachael and Sherri have to report,” Amelia brushed past Jack and strode into the kitchen.

Rachael and Sherri were dripping water and shivering.

“How’s the weather?” Amelia asked, slightly amused.

“Th-The rain d-doesn’t look like it’s g-going to let up anytime s-soon,” Sherri stuttered out.

Rachael nodded, “Yeah, and you’re right about us needing to leave, there are zombies everywhere… Not so much on this street-only God knows why-but we need to hurry up.”

Everyone had crowded into the kitchen to listen in. “Okay,” Amelia said, “I’m gonna take a patrol a few houses down.”

“Are you going to tell us what this grand plan of yours is?”

Everyone turned to face Tori, who had spoken for the first time since that morning.

Amelia cleared her throat, “Yes,” she paused, “A few days ago, I saw a blue Ford coming and going, and last night I saw the lights of the house on… I know that neighbor, her name’s Mary… We’ve been friends since I was in kindergarten and she was in preschool. Her brother and his wife drive a blue Ford. I think there’s a chance that they have more people over there, hiding out, just as we are.”

“Okay, so who are you going to take?” Nick asked.

Amelia looked around, “Andy, Lindsey, Rachael and Shenandoah.”

“Your dog?” Brendan looked skeptical.

“Yes, Shenandoah’s a hunting dog. She listens to me and I don’t have to worry about leashing her up or her running off… She’ll follow me even if it means her certain death.”

“How do you know?” Tori asked.

Amelia bit her lip, “I just do. Trust me.”

Tori snorted.

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