Chapter Six

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“I want to come,” Brian said.


“Why not?” He protested.

“Because I don’t want a large group to go. The less people the better… Besides, Andy, Lindsey, Rachael and I can get in and out of there real fast if there’s any trouble,” Amelia looked around then clapped her hands together, “Everyone else… Just finish packing your stuff. Casey? Would you be a doll and fix dinner?”

Casey nodded, a small smile on her face.

Everyone started going their own ways.

"Alright,” Rachael asked, “what are we going to use for weapons?”

Amelia patted the small lump in her shirt, “I’ve got my weapon, now for you, Rachael, I have this picked out…” She walked into the hallway and opened a small closet door; she pulled out a green baseball bat and handed it to Rachael.

She grinned, “Yes, this is definitely more my style than a pair of scissors.”

Amelia grinned back, “I thought you might feel that way… Andy,” Amelia leaned back in and pulled out a smaller black baseball bat, “This one’s for you.”

Andrew took it and Lindsey ran a hand through her hair, “What about me?”

“What do you want?” Amelia asked.

Lindsey sighed, "I don't know, I just wish we had a gun or something.”

Amelia nodded and swallowed hard, “Then, you can have this.” 

Slowly, she pulled the gun out and Rachael gasped, “Now, where did you get that?”

Amelia shook her head, “Doesn’t matter…”

“Then, what will you use?” Lindsey said, warily taking the gun.

Amelia’s hands shook, but she slowly walked into her parent’s room and reached into her mother’s jewelry box; she pulled out a knife.

Andrew’s head was tilted to the left, “Woah, that thing looks old.”

Amelia nodded, “It was my grandfather’s, he brought it back from Korea.” She studied the knife; its hilt was light brown. Leather was wrapped around the hilt and the sheath was completely made of it. A red, blue, and green design swirled along both the hilt and sheath as well. Amelia took a breath then shoved the knife in her pocket, “Let’s go.”

Shenandoah barked and wagged her tail as Amelia called her to "come". Amelia then turned and took a step forward. She went to open the door, but froze. Rain was falling in gray sheets, and Amelia could barely see across the street. Blood ran down the street in rivers, and Amelia shivered.

“You okay, Amy?” Andrew asked, snapping Amelia back to planet Earth.

Amelia nodded, “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” Lindsey sighed.

With that, the door flung open and the small group rushed into the pouring rain.

“Lead the way Amelia,” Andrew whispered in her ear, sending shivers up her spine.

Amelia took a steadying breath and then took off at a full on sprint across her yard. Squinting through the rain, Amelia saw a zombie coming at her and ducked as Andrew let out a loud grunt and smashed the zombie with his baseball bat. The zombie fell and Amelia jumped over it only to find herself face-to-face with another.

Screaming out in fear and excursion, Amelia brought her knife around and stabbed the zombie in the neck and tossed it to the right. Blood splashed across her face, but it was washed away by the rain within seconds.

Taking off at a full sprint across her neighbor’s yard, Amelia hurtled herself over a row of bushes and landed hard on her heels. Letting out a shriek of pain, Amelia gritted her teeth and continued to run forward, pushing herself to the white screen door that she so desperately hoped would be their salvation. 

“Please! Let us in!” She screamed as she slammed into the door. It lightly buckled under her weight and she gasped.

Andrew ran up behind her.

“Andrew, body check the door!” Amelia yelled.

He looked at her and confusion flickered across his face, but he didn't take a second thought as he slammed himself against the door.

"Hurry!" Rachael yelled worriedly.

Thinking quickly, Andrew grabbed Amelia and used both of their bodies to slam the door. This time, it crumpled and they both tumbled into the warm house followed by Rachael, Lindsey and Shenandoah.

A door shrieked closed behind them and when Amelia turned, she went stiff. She was looking directly at an arrowhead, pulled back by a crossbow.

With shaking hands, Amelia slowly rose to her feet, never letting the crossbow leave her gaze. "Please," Amelia's voice was weak, "help."

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