Chapter Two

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Amelia pushed Tori over into the snow and jumped on her, “Take this you cocky slut!” Amelia slapped Tori full on across the face, and then brought her hand back for a pimp slap.

Tori’s cheeks were red, but she still hand some fight left in her.

Everyone else had gathered in Amelia and Brian’s backyard to watch, some, like Casey and Lindsey screaming for the girls to stop, while Nick and Brendan shouted encouragement.

Tori flipped Amelia over and started scratching her, and Amelia shrieked with pain. “Yah! How does that feel?” Tori cackled, letting her guard down.

This is what Amelia had been planning; she quickly kicked Tori off her and straddled her in the snow once again. Amelia starting dishing out scratches, slaps, and punches; Tori’s comebacks were becoming more and more feeble. She did, however, manage to pull out chunks of Amelia’s hair, but Amelia had returned the favor.

“How do you like this?” Amelia screeched and then spit on Tori’s face.

Now the girls were both shivering, but it wasn’t from the cold, it was from pure anger. Suddenly though, yelling broke through Amelia’s hazy thoughts.

It was Jack.

Sitting up and turning to look for him, Tori got her chance and tossed Amelia to the side.

Instead of fighting though, she ran. “Oh no you don’t!” Amelia cried and ran after her.

Tori didn’t go towards the group of people standing outside of the house watching, instead she ran in a large semi-circle towards the back of the yard, arching around the large pool in the center of the yard. Amelia was a faster runner than Tori, and she caught up with her in the very back of the yard, full on football tackling her into a pool of water that had collected near the back fence. Tori was underwater, and Amelia had her hands around her neck, brutally choking her. A red haze filled Amelia’s gaze as she dug her long fingers into Tori’s neck.

Suddenly though, Amelia felt strong hands picking her up. Amelia’s grip faltered and she was forced to let Tori come up for air as somebody engulfed her in a warm hug.

“Shh, love, shh,” somebody whispered, but Amelia didn’t understand why.

Then Amelia felt hot tears running down her face and she realized she had started sobbing.

“Oh, what have you done my love? What have you done?”

Amelia looked up and realized she was staring into the pained eyes of Jack. “What?” She tried to say, but nothing came out. Shifting a bit in Jack’s arms, Amelia turned and saw a bloody and bruised Tori just barely sitting up in a pool of water stained with blood. Tori made eye contact with Amelia and the look of pure contempt in her gaze made Amelia shiver, but she didn’t look away; she wouldn’t bow down to Tori after all that.

Tori sensing this, took what was left of her ego and broke the trance first, looking up at Andrew, who was looking down at her uncomfortably. Tori smiled and reached her hand up for help, but Andrew turned away from her coldly and threw an arm around Amelia.

“Good job Amy,” he whispered into her ear as he and Jack helped her walk through the snow and to the group of stunned people standing in front of her house.

Amelia coughed, “Well, I’ve been taught by the best.”

Andrew grinned and continued helping Amelia forward. When the three reached the group, everyone was stunned to silence. Casey, Sherri, and Rachael simply brushed past Andrew on their way to check on Tori.

Brendan moved forward and hugged Amelia, “Dang Ames,” he smiled, “remind me to never get on your bad side.”

Amelia smiled with triumph.

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