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{Frank's POV}

I sat down on the edge of the bed.

So many memories here. I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave them behind yet. It was time though.

Stretching, I lay back and stared up at the ceiling.

The stars hadn't been moved yet. How had we forgotten about them?


I heard a mumble in response.

I rolled my eyes, "We forgot about the stars."


The stars stared back down at me. "We forgot to take down the stars."

He didn't say anything.

Instead, I felt the bed move down slightly as he lay down next to me.

Then I saw his face next to mine, looking up as well.

"Holy shit," He smiled at them, "I forgot about those."

"How could you forget?" I turned my head to look at him.

"Hey, you forgot as well."

I smirked and looked up at them again.

"Maybe we should leave them," I suggested.

I could feel his eyes on me now.

"Leave them?"

"I doesn't seem right to take them. They belong here."

He sat up. "If you're sure."

I sat up as well and looked at him. "I am."

He moved his gaze from the ceiling to me and smiled. "We're actually doing this."

I nodded, "We are."

"We're cutting it a bit late," He shrugged, "But we're finally doing this."

I smirked at him. "Are you only just realising this?"

A slight smile overtook his face. "I've been too busy actually planning this whole thing to realise it was actually going to happen."

I laughed a little. "You're a dork."

"I know."

I moved a bit so I was sat closer to him. "You're my dork."

His smile widened. "I know that as well."

I bit my lip before moving my face next to his.

He understood what I was getting at and closed the remaining gap between us.

Before we could get into the kiss though, Donna called from upstairs. "Gerard! The moving van's here!"

Gerard pulled away and sighed.

"Time to go then."

I nodded and stood up.

"To our new apartment!" I grinned, practically jumping up and down.

He smiled at me and got up as well, grabbing the last box from the floor.

The room looked weird with barely anything in it anymore. The only remaining furniture was the desk and the bed but that was only because we decided we didn't need them.

I took one last gaze around the room.

We had been here for a while now. I mean, Gerard had lived here all his life but I'd stayed here for nearly two years rent free. I was pretty lucky to swing that.

Donna said that she couldn't charge either of us because Gerard was her son and I was her favourite son-in-law.

I wasn't going to argue with that.

"Coming, Frank?"

Gerard looked back down at me from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, sure thing."

I followed him up the stairs and then smiled down at the room before switching off the light and shutting the door.

"Mikey and Ray are already loading your furniture and boxes into the van," Donna was telling Gerard, "Make sure you don't forget anything."

Gerard smiled at her, "We won't, Mom."

She already looked like she was gonna cry. I couldn't really blame her.

We were moving into the city so Gerard could go to Art School.

It had been a big decision for both of us.

I wanted him to live his dream though and as I was the best boyfriend ever, I convinced him to go. When he had asked me to go with him, I didn't have to think twice.

We spend about half an hour loading the rental van. I wasn't really looking forward to driving to New York in a truck so we had hired someone to drive it for us.

By the time the van was full of our shit, Gerard's Mom was leaking like a faucet.

"You boys call me when you get there," She was saying, "Don't spend all night unpacking. Remember to eat and sleep on a bed, not the floor."

Gerard smiled at her. "Don't worry, Mom. We'll be fine."

Donna was tearing up again though. "You're just my baby boy," She pulled him into a hug, "I love you both so much." She held out an arm and pulled me into the hug as well.

"We'll both miss you a lot," I told her.

That set her off again. She held us tighter before finally pulling away and wiping her eyes.

I kind of felt like crying too now.

"Make sure Mikey and Ray leave at a decent time so they're back home before dark."

"Yes, Mom," Gerard kissed her on the head.

We heard a horn beeping then.

Mikey and Ray were in Ray's car, ready to go. Mikey was sat on the front seat windowsill.

"Come on!" He called, "Let's hit the road!"

I grinned at them before giving Donna one last hug. Gerard gave her another as well.

Soon, we were driving down the motorway, the moving van right behind us.

"This is scary," Gerard was holding my hand on the middle seat between us.

"Yeah," I agreed, looking out of the window, "I feel too young to be doing this."

He chuckled lightly in response and stroked the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Me too."


Yay! The story has begun!

-Beth :3

He's My Gerard And I'm His Frank (sequel) {INCOMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now