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3rd P.O.V

    "Hey! That's what I said!", beau giggled putting Skip in a head lock. The boys dropped to the ground and wrestled as Luke, Jai, and James looked on. "And yet I'm the youngest", James said rolling his eyes and smirking, "******". Jai stood with his arms draped across Luke and James's shoulders. "Where are your damn clothes?", Jai asked looking at his brothers. "Well, jeez, we were kinda dragged out of the showers", Luke sassed, "And I don't know, we never got them back". "Maybe they just like the view", Beau chimed in, flexing his arms. They laughed at Beau who was still wrestling with Daniel.

      Daniel flipped Beau over and pinned him down. "No, no ,no. Not in my house!", Skip grunted. Luke dropped to his knees and hit the floor with his fist. "One, Two, Three!", he counted down and lifted Skip by his arm. "And Daniel Sahyounie dominates Beau "The Dorito" Brooks!", he shouted. James smiled and Jai  cheered.

    Beau squeezed himself out from under Daniel and brushed himself off. "Alright, alright, he won fair and square", he groaned. Daniel then tripped over himself and knocked into James. "Nope, looks like Beau is the real winner here", James said catching Daniel, "Damn klutz." Skip blushed, "Aw, Baby Daniel", Beau grinned hugging him from behind. The slot slid open.

Luke's P.O.V

    The little slot slipped open and I cringed. I almost forgot Beau and I weren't supposed to be here. "Hey, what are you two doing here? We had orders that you both were supposed to be separated from the others!", we heard a female voice growl. I improvised, "All I know is some guard came to my cell with my brother and took us back here." "We'll see about that boys.." She trailed off. "Here are your clothes", she said sliding the uniforms in, landing with a plop on the cold floor. She left and we breathed a sigh of relief.

   I walked over to the door and grabbed my uniform, it was slightly damp. "Gross", I hissed, slipping on my pants which were dry. Beau grabbed his and gagged when he smelled it. "Why does it smell like piss?", he spat tossing it across the room. "Don't tell me someone pissed on your clothes..", James started, picking up the shirt Beau had just thrown with his pinky. Jai walked over and sniffed it, "Holy ****, someone totally pissed on this", He gasped in disbelief, grabbing his nose.

    I took a whiff of my top, " OH **** THAT!", I yelled, throwing the worn shirt were Beau's was. James yelped and threw the shirt. Daniel took the pair of pants that still laid by the door. "These are clean", he said throwing them in Beau's face. Beau and I stood there still shirtless, but I guess at least having pants was better than nothing.

     I shivered, "Now  that we are together and remember how bad this place is, can we get down to business?" "Oh right!", Beau remembered, "The plan".  

The Asylum// A Janoskian ficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora