Crem Dela Crem

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Daniel's P.O.V

       We managed to get back to our cell in one piece. "I suppose now "Phase Three" has been completed", I said as I strolled into the cell, tucking the guard uniforms under our straight jackets. "You would be correct, Sahyounie", Beau uttered, having the rest of the boys hide their uniforms under the "mats". I still was a little upset over the way Beau spoke to me upstairs. I bumped his shoulder lightly as I grabbed a soda out of the plastic rings.

   Suddenly, an idea came to me. I shook the soda rapidly, checking behind me multiple times behind me to see if the boys noticed. Jai and Luke were messing with James while Beau watched. Perfect! I grabbed the other sodas and brought them over to the boys. "Two for you good sirs", I offered to the twins in a deep, regal, British accent, dropping onto one knee. "Thank you, Sir Sahyounie", Jai said, copying my accent, plating along. Luke bowed and took the two out of my hands. "And one for you Prince James", I joked, tossing the can to him. "Why thank you, Crab", he giggled, taking a swig.

    "Time for the crem dela crem ", I said to myself and smirked slightly. "Last, but not least, Beau." He smiled and took the can from me, popping the top. The can erupted in his face, spraying the sticky liquid  all over him. His mouth formed a small "O" and squeezed is eyes shut.

      I lost it . James slapped his knees as the twins gripped their stomachs from laughing so hard.. I could feel myself turning bright red as I cackled like a hyena and rolled on the floor. I looked up at Beau who was chuckling as he shook the soda off his arms. I settled down enough to say something "T-That's w-w-what you get f-or be-ing an *** be-fore", I coughed hard between short breaths. Beau suppressed a smile and nodded. "Now we are even", I scoffed, pushing myself up on my elbows. "Well played Skip... well played." The older boy jumped onto me. "Beauuuu..", I groaned as he wiped his face and neck on my shirt, "**** you!"

    "Hey guys I'm really tired", Luke yawned. James stretched and rubbed his left eye, "Same, let's go get some shut eye." We moved back to our "mats" and once again, we huddled close. James was next to me this time and he rested his head on my shoulder. Beau wrapped his arm around my shoulder and placed his head on my chest. I supported his head with my arm and eventually the darkness took us under.

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