"The Bassment Party"-Part 3

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"The Bassment Party"- Part Three

 Let me introduce you to some kids that you ain't used to. I doubt you've ever come into contact with a group of people quite like us, and if you have then you must know some cool ass people. There are a few things that you must know about each of us, before we get into the events that transpired that night, just so you can truly get the full picture.

Let's start with Rock. You already know that Rock is an oversized goofy guy that can easily wrestle a huge linebacker to the ground but doesn't have such luck when it comes to girls. What you don't know is that Rock also has a severely perverted mind that he makes no effort to censor at all. Ever. I don't think Rock even thinks before he speaks. In case you were one of those people who care about fashion, Rock was wearing a plain black hoodie and black Adidas sweatpants with white stripes and matching Adidas sports flip flops; Obviously Rock is not one of those people that cares about fashion. Fun Fact: Rock got drunk at the basement party for the first time.

 Then there's the second largest member of our group, Toad. Toad is notorious for becoming "Sloppy Drunk". If you don't know what sloppy drunk is, then think back to a house party you've gone to where they were serving alcoholic drinks. Now, picture that girl, she's usually white and has on sunglasses too large for her face and is completely wasted. I mean like so wasted that you don't know whether to laugh and pour her that beer she's asking for or to escort her off the table and tell her to sit her ass down somewhere. That's Toad. But he's a large black guy with a goatee. Which makes it so much funnier. Toad was wearing a typical ‘Toad outfit’, which consisted of a backwards snapback, cargo shorts, and a suggestively inappropriate tee. Today's read: "I Fun Fact: The first time Toad and I got drunk, we went through practically a whole bottle of Seagrams green apple vodka. Ever since, the smell of it has made Toad nauseous. 

Eric is the self-proclaimed "oreo" of the group. For those of you who don't know, and can't be bothered to urbandictionary it, an oreo is essentially a black guy who seems white. Now, I don't like to label a person based on what type of music, clothing, or activities they like, especially not with a 'white or black' label but it's the best way to describe Eric. He was just the type of black person who felt more comfortable around white people than most black people, and once you've seen him dance it's completely understandable. If Toad and Rock are the muscle of the group, then Eric and I are definitely the brains. He was wearing a sleeveless band tee and a pair of straight skinny jeans with black chucks. Fun Fact: Eric is the only one of us who likes to drink more than smoke. He's a future recovering alcoholic.

And then there's Alex. Usually the planmaker of the group, I'm the one who tends to be the most level-headed. Every group of males has that one person when drinking with that takes everything up a notch. If you're babysitting, you better start sipping. And if you're sipping, you better shot that shit! And if you're shotting, you damn well better not be chasing. Usually this person isn't the smallest one in the group, but in our case, it is; Me. I guess it's a bit of a napoleon complex. Fun Fact: I got literally black-out drunk for the first time at that bassment party.

Okay, so where was I? Oh, right, as I walked down the stairs to my front door, I realized two things. The first being, I was definitely feeling the shots now. My body felt weightless and the stairs had blurred together as I walked down them. I also realized that I was nervous as fuck. My stomach was on hyperdrive and the 'bitch butterflies' buzzed around my stomach erratically. Either that or that vodka was speedily eating through my stomach lining.

 Peering out the door, they instantly died down as I saw who my guest was. There, standing on my porch with his speakers and iPod in hand was Kenneth. He had been my friend since 8th grade and had started making a name for himself around the school as a pretty hot DJ. 

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