Chapter 3 : Day One

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A/N: Hia Guys! I know I say this a lot but just to make sure, feel free to msg me anytime. I will make sure to reply to all of your comments or messages. Also feel free to msg my editor at : theaIterego . Now let's go on to chapter 3.

I Do Not Own Beyblade


It was another beautiful day in Metal Bey City. The time was 10:00. "Beep Beep Beep," the alarm clock went off. "Ugh," Gingka groaned as he got out of bed. Remembering the talk he had with Ryo yesterday, he dashed outside. He ran to the WBBA building. There, he saw Hikaru waiting for him tapping her right foot. "I'm here!" Gingka yelled out to her. "Good, now let's get to our training," she said determined.

"Ok," Gingka replied excitedly. "Ok, now pretend I'm Madoka but still say my name because if you don't say my name it will just sound weird," Hikaru said out of breath. "Practice confessing to her on me so you won't be that nervous once you do it for real," Hikaru uttered.

"Ok, so I don't feel nervous ok I can begin," Gingka said. "Ok, so start now," Hikaru told him. "Uh uh, Hikaru I loved you since you first stayed up all night to fix Pegasus. You are so beautiful and smart. Any guy would be so lucky to have you. I love you so much. So, please be my girlfriend. I love you," Gingka said while being nervous.

"Wow Gingka I never knew you would say such romantic things. Madoka will definitely say yes," Hikaru teased. "Thanks Hikaru for training me," Gingka thanked her. "It's ok Gingka, in my opinion you just need to work on not being that nervous. I could tell that you were somewhat nervous. "So, meet me here same time to train more so you would feel more comfortable confessing ok?" Hikaru spoke. "Ok Hikaru, thanks again," Gingka exclaimed while walking back to his house.

When Gingka arrived home, Ryo greeted him. "So, how was the first day of training?" Ryo questioned. "It was great, I just need to work on not getting nervous that much," Gingka responded. "Well, you can continue training tomorrow, now that's get ready for dinner. "Ok dad," Gingka grouched.


A/N: That's it for chapter 3 you guys. I apologize that all of my chapters keep being too short. It's just that I just want to write different topics in each chapter sometimes. So, maybe one day I will make a story with long chapters. Maybe one day I can. So, let's move on to chapter 4.

E/N: As previously mentioned in the A/N in the beginning of this chapter, don't hesitate to message me!

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