Chapter 4 : Overhearing Things.

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A/N: Hia Guys! So far, I just love writing fanfictions for people to read. It's like expressing my ideas that I've always dreamt about. Seriously, I dream and make up my own fanfictions, crazy right. lol So, let's get going.

I do not own Beyblade


     It was the second day of training. Ginga was too excited so he woke up early and headed straight for the WBBA building. "Hikaru," he yelled. "What?," she groaned as she opened the doors.

"Let's practice again," Ginga said excited. "Ugh, fine," Hikaru answered wiping her eyes.


Madoka's POV:
I was going to the WBBA building to get something there. Once I entered I looked around, there was no one there. I went into the hangout room and spotted Ginga and Hikaru. I was wondering what they were doing so I spied on them listening. "I love you so much Hikaru. I loved you the day we met. You are so beautiful,"Ginga said. After he said that, my eyes because very watery. He loved Hikaru not me. How could I be such a fool to think that we would ever be together.

Hikaru's such a smart girl. Also, she's beautiful and she beyblades too. I'm just a useless bey mechanic. I was frozen for a minute. I knew it all along, he would never love me.


A/N: I'm so sorry that was short guys. I just couldn't think of anything else to write. Chapter 5 is going to be the last chapter so that might be short also so yea. I'm going to give you guys over to mah best editor ever. K.K.


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