plane rides and hello's

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The flight took off and it was a three hour flight so that gave us all more time to get to know each other before we meet my dad in Port Angelas. I texted my mom again to just let her know that i was fine and would call her when we landed. "So your not dating anyone anymore or you are but just taking a break  Bella thats great news either way  cause I'm sure that there will be tons of guys that will want to date you but you have to tell me who so I can tell you if they are good enough for you okay" Emmett told me as he started laughing Alice hit his left shoulder and Rosalie hit his right and for some reason Edward leaned ever and hit his head. it was great  how close we already acted like family. Well i guess they are family but I mean they took me in under there family brother sister code. "Oh thank you so much Emmett I always wanted an older brother and that is what you can be for me."Cool and whats great about it is that i am a great older brother" he said laughing. "Yeah right" both the Cullens and Hales said at the same time making us all laugh.  "So anyways about my question" Emmett tried to finish but Edward cut him of saying."Emmett enough". "Edward I am jsut asking gosh don't be such a girl about it" Emmett  laughed. "HEY" Rose and Alice and I said. "Okay ok how about this you all have five questions you can ask me and they  can be anything but you only get five then you have to wait till I tell you more about my self even though I am kind of a open book deal" i told them. they all nodded and said,"Deal" at the same time.

“Okay who wants to go first” I asked even though I knew that Emmett would be the one to go first.  I just am so happy that my dads friends have kids my age and we can all be friends and maybe if I find out about Edward more then I will know if he has a girlfriend and if he doesn’t then its great cause my dad already knows him….

“Well duh of course I want to.” Emmett said with his hand up Alice and Edward shock there head ashamed I’m sure. I put my hand on Edwards knee and told him,” you know Edward its okay I am excited don’t worry about it will be fun”. He smiled at me and nodded. “Okay so here are the rules you each get five questions but you can’t ask them all at once and everyone takes turns so if Emmett want to go first then okay we go in a circle you can’t ask the same question twice either” I told them looking at Emmett really since I was guessing that he would be the bad one in this game.

Emmett go. “Well of course I want to know (he paused to think of how to word it or how to ask I think) how many boyfriends have you kissed?” Emmett asked.

“Emmett you can’t ask a girl that” Alice told him “no no its okay I said anything, and Emmett its only been three since junior high.” I told them. They all must have been shocked cause it took them a second to speak. “Wait what why only that many I mean your hot” Emmett stated. Rosalie hit the back of his head. “what I am just saying” Emmett told her laughing. “Now now Emmett you already had your turn” I told him making them think that I was fine with his statement. “Okay who’s turn” I asked.

“Mine” Rosalie said. “Okay Rose what’s up” I asked. “Okay well how about this, how long will you wait to go on a first date or go study with someone in Forks” she asked kind of looking at Edward when she asked me but not so that anyone would notice but I still saw him smile a little bit. “Well I think that its all about the guy if he is sweet and likes me and I like him then if he asked I would say yes to the date but I don’t want to just rush right in to dating but I don’t want to date more then one guy does that make since” I told them as I rambled on during my answer. Everyone nodded and Edward smiled. He has an amazing smile.  “okay who’s next” I asked again. Hoping that it would be Edward but it wasn’t. “Me” Alice and Jasper said at the same time. “okay what’s your Jasper.

“what do you want to do when you graduate” Jasper asked looking down I have a feeling he is shy. Perfect for Alice since I get that she is very outgoing. “Okay Alice what’s your question” I told  them doing them both at the same time. “Well I was going to ask that but since Jaz did I guess mine will be, how do you feel about shopping and I mean a lot of shopping” Alice asked and everyone but Rose laughed. “WHAT I AM BEING FOR REAL” Alice said. “well okay Jasper I want to be a teacher so I want to go to college for that but I want a family too so I feel that it would be good to be around kids in the beginning since I want a big family” I told him and “Alice I love to shop you see these Vera Wang shoes come on” I told her laughing and Her and Rose just giggled and I think would have jumped up and down if they could have. “We are so going shopping for the weekend when you get settled in” Rose said.

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