wow man!!!!

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“well that sounds about what I would love to do tonight with you I hope that you aren’t trying to do more with me cause I’m not that kind of guy” Edward laughed and pulled me down on the bed and we kissed till we fell asleep…. 




Edward POV

I rolled over to the sun being in my face. “Huh really” I said. I turn over and feel the most wonderful person next to me.  I can’t believe that I slept her last night I mean we didn’t do anything but kiss but still its like a dream and I am so happy that I found someone that I can call mine.

I leaned over to kiss Bella’s check and felt her start to move around I new that she was about to wake up so I just wait for her maybe I could convince her to sleep in a little bit or just lay here and cuddle. Wait did I just say that man I have got it bad.

Bella POV


“Edward I am so glad that I moved her and I can’t wait till senior year is over and we can go off to collage together and move in and sleep next to each other every night. You are my best friend” I looked over at him and leaned in to kiss him. “Just don’t tell Alice and Rose okay” I giggled. “I love you so much Bella and I can’t wait for all those same things plus some” Edward told me. We were up around our spot in the Meadow behind our house having lunch we had been together for over a year almost we had tons of ups and downs but we just fit so well that we always new it was us we wanted to be. I felt him kiss me and I thought I would die I can’t wait for our life together.

I felt like I was in the best dream of my life but really was it to soon to feel all those things or was it just right. I knew that Edward was awake I could feel him moving did he want to leave. Was he enjoying all of this as much as I was? Oh god Bella just calm down and think about all the things that have happened so far what am I going to do I mean  isn’t true  when there is something to good that means that all the bad stuff happens ok ok lets not think like that lets just take everything one day at a time.

“Morning beautiful” Edward told me as I sat up on his stomach using my arms to hold me up while he rubbed my back softly.

“Good morning to you to there sunshine” I told him kissing his arm.

“Last night was like the greatest night of my life so far” he told me I was kind of thrown back by it but still happy he said it. “Does that scare you that I say that” he said.

I looked up at him and shook my head. “You know what’s so funny was I was just thinking about the same thing what do you know great minds think alike” I giggled.

I leaned up to kiss him again and could feel him toughing my lower back rubbing soft circles around me. To say that I was losing my mind would be an understatement when he touched me he made me shake all through my body. Edward must have felt the same way because his breathing was going faster then normal. “Bella do you like it when I touch you as much as I love to touch you” Edward whispered.

I looked at him and nodded as I leaned in to him and put my hand on his check and pulled him into another kiss. This one was so much deeper then the others. Our passion began to be to much I rolled on to my back, pulling Edward over top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck to continue our kiss until we both needed air. I looked up into his eyes and only saw love.      

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