knowing things are fine... who's the creeper

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the next chapter is here i hope you don't hate me for how long its been 


Bella and Edward are back together but the family doesn't know that yet lets see we got to see what Emmett really thinks about his family a lil more and also Alice about how worried she is. even Charlie got a lil mind action about his thoughts we will be getting on with the story with Bella and Edward now and pretty sure Paul will make a appearance as well what will Bella do? Don't worry to much have faith in her she loves Edward she was  just confused but she has everything worked out now...... 

End of REcap:::::::

POV Edward...........................................

I  lay next to Bella again we some how make it back to her room and things get out of hand but what can I say I wouldn’t change it and I need her as much as she needs me. I see that my clothes are still on the chair and get up to get dressed so that I can make us lunch. I laugh when I notice that its almost dark again so that we have been in out little love haven all day and all last night. I couldn’t believe that she wants to be with me again and that she will be my everything when the time comes.

After making dinner laughing that we didn’t notice the time of day I go to look for my phone to send a text to my mom and Emmett to let them know I am fine, that we are working things out but that it looks all good. I get a text back from both of them just when Bella comes in the kitchen. “you know what I hate” she says looking up at me with a smile so I just smile back and wait for her to continue. “I hate waking up by myself when I know that my amazing Boyfriend is somewhere in my or I should say our mini house” she laughs as she kisses me. “Im sorry babe I wanted to make us lunch but then I saw the time so I guess its dinner” I laugh. She looks around and just smiles. “oh man what have we done to each other” she asks and I pull her in smile ands kiss her I know that this is my forever.

POV Bella

After the amazing lunch with Edward we start to talk about school and how life will be for us and everyone else. Worried that we will be all left behind some how knowing that we want to stay as close to family as we can even if it means going to school close by so  that, that can happen. “I want four kids” I say out of know were but the look on his face is priceless when he smiles and says, “fine but I get to name the girl and you can name the boys”. I just must have looked shocked because he laughs and pulls me into him “ Bella I told you that I wanted it all and I plan to marry you after this year get us a house where ever you want to live and start having babies right away or I should say as soon as your ready I want it all”. He kisses me and I can feel the love and have know idea what this life or year will be like but I know that the person next to me is it.


Why do I lost everything that I want? Why can’t she just want to not love him and want to need and love me. I stand out side her house and know that I will do anything to have her and her little friends can’t save her. I don’t care if there friends with cops I will have her.


oh they love each other thank god........(LOL) i thought they would break up and Bella would  find out she was knocked up and then leave forks and be a run aways and acome back years later with edwards kids nad he is married to Rose and all she does is drink cause she miss's Emmett but cna't have him cause he loves bella and Jasper and Alice are crazy's who have ten cats and  five dogs and live in a house that shaped as a shoe.(LOL) okay im done lol no that will not be happening

lets talk about how we are glad they are together and not be to mad i mean bella and edward are in high school and have know idea about love but they are going to find it out together. 

so who is this POV? at the end and who does he want? Alice? Bella? Rose? we will have to see.

hope you liked let me know 

i know that it has been forever and i am sorry but i am back now so post will be back to weekly...

thanks to veryone who is still fallowing me and loving my work..... *tasha 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2012 ⏰

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