finally.........together chapter 6

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Bella POV

We get to the mall and got in a started to shop till we drop mode. Us girls looked to the guys and let them know we were going to go look and would call them soon. Alice and Rose gave Emmett and Jasper a kiss, I looked at Edward and just smiled. “So you ladies have fun but not to much okay” Edward said. Then he came in closer and kissed my check and whispered “I can’t wait till I cam kiss you like that” looking over at the make-out scene next to us. I blushed and nodded leaning up to his ear and told him soon and lightly licked his ear lob.

“Bella your going to kill me” he said while we all walked in different directions.

“Can’t wait” I yelled and winked at him.

We had been to like five stores  and ten bags laters when i was in Victoria Secrets. I heard Alice bickering with two girls and another girl just stood there looking nervous she looked up to see me and had a small smile I smiled back and I grabbed Rose and we started to walk slowly over to Alice.

“You don’t know me Jessica and I don’t get why your even over hear by me we aren’t friends so just leave me and my family alone”. I heard Alice say.

“You can’t think that I won’t get your brother soon we all know that he wants me and that we make a great couple”. The girl carried on yelling at Alice about one of her brothers I am almost positive that they were talking about Edward so that means I need to stand my ground because he is mine and I will be his girl by the end of this date.

“he will never want you Jessica he already has a girlfriend and she is ten times sexier then you are or could ever be”. Alice giggled.

“He doesn’t have a girl---“ she said when I stepped in next to Alice and Rose on the other side.

“hi Ali what’s going on here friends of yours” I giggled.  The girl that was fighting with Alice before I came over was glaring at me like no other looking over my outfit and my hair wondering who I was. The other two were looking at me in shocked at something. “No Izzy they are not OUR friends just some girls from school” Alice said I was shocked that she called me Izzy haven’t been called that in a long time. “What are you two skanks doing here” Rose said looking at them and then she looked over to another girl who looked shy and she wore glasses but she was still very pretty. “Angela how have you been” Rose asked and the girl Angela looked back at her and smiled “ hi Rose Alice its great to see y---“ she said till one of the girls stopped her by saying “ ANGELA DON’T TALK TO THEM”.

 I’m sorry we haven’t been introduced what is your name” I said to them glaring back.  “OH this is Jessica and Lauren and this is Angela she is nice but the two skanks well just watch out for them” Rose said. I laughed and looked at them “oh well its nice to meet you Angela” I said only looking over at her.  “I’m Bella I will be starting school with you guys on Monday” I said to her but also so that Lauren and Jessica could hear me as well. “Oh my god Bella your shoes are killer” Angela said making the other two look down at them two. “Oh thanks these old things I love shoes there my passion” I told her making them think that yeah my shoes were hot but they aren’t my only ones Alice of course giggled and Rose just glared.

“oh so you’re the new big deal coming to Forks high there has been talk about you for weeks chiefs daughter finally home” Lauren told me with a rude look and you could hear it in her tone how excited she was to have me here. “Yep that is me! And you didn’t tell me that I have been the talk of the town and school Girls more to be excited about” I told them looking over at Alice and Rose. “well I figured it would just be so much more fun to surprise you” Alice said.

I laughed and waited for them to start saying something again. “Oh I am so sorry I interrupted what you both were talking about before I came over what were you talking about” I glared over the Lauren and Jessica and looked over to Alice and nodded.

another twilight story.....Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt