Thinking About Harry

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Louis' POV

I was flipping through channels on the telly when I heard the door bell ring. Who was--

Oh, right. Harry was coming over...

I opened the door to see a bruised Harry. He had a black eye and seemed to be favoring his right leg. Liam must've gotten to him.

"Hey, Harry. You can come in," He limped inside my house and stood there, awkwardly looking at me. "Umm... Sit?" I pointed at the couch in the family room.

Harry sat down carefully, probably not to provoke any of his injuries. He nervously played with his fingers. I would too, if I were him. I mean, he's constantly bullied and beaten by the kids I hang out with, and here he is sitting in my family room.

"So, w-where are your p-parents?" He stuttered. Harry probably wanted witnesses around incase I do anything to him, although I don't understand how, he's way taller than me.

"My mum and step-dad are out getting groceries," I told him, grabbing my science books, notebook, and pencil so we could start the project.

"O-okay..." Harry pulled out a notebook from his book bag and began writing.

"What are you writing? Your will?" I joked, but Harry took it seriously and looked up at me with wide eyes. "It was just a joke, lighten up. Don't worry, I'm not like Liam. Plus, your twice my size, you could so cream me."

He chuckled a bit, but I could tell he was still tense.

I sat down next to Harry on the couch and opened my book to the minerals chapter. For the next half hour we were just talking about minerals, and the type of samples we were going to use, and blah blah blah...

"Ugh, this is so boring..." Harry complained around five. My parents had come back, and we were now in my room.

"Aren't nerds supposed to like this stuff?" I asked, setting the book down on my bed.

"Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I love this stuff," Harry put his book down to. He yawned, making me yawn too.

"Wanna play Call of Duty or something?" I stood up and stretched. It was only five and I was already feeling super tired.

"Sure," Harry stood up and followed me down stairs to the family room. I was surprised about how quickly he was trusting me, considering all my friends had done to him.

We played a bunch of rounds in Call of Duty, where he crushed me every time. And to be honest, he was kind of funny. He was also super sweet and pretty cool, why did Liam have to pick on him so much?

"How are you so bloody good?!" I slammed my controller on the couch and pouted after another loss.

"Us 'nerds' spend a lot of time playing video games," Harry said, patting my shoulder.

My heart fluttered at that small touch.

Wait... WHAT?!

No no no no no no....... I'm not gay, right? Or bi, or whatever the term is? I can't be, I just--

"Louis?" Harry's voice pulled me back into reality. "Are you alright?"

"Uh... Yeah," I lied. "I just... Zoned out for a second."

"Oh, okay," He shrugged and pulled out his phone. "I should probably go, its almost six."

"Yeah... See you at school, then," We stood up. "Bye."

"Bye," Harry walked out the front door and I locked it behind him.

What was that feeling I had earlier? It wasn't normal, at least not for me....

I yawned. Maybe a good night's rest would make me feel right again. I walked upstairs into my room and striped to just my boxers. I shut the light off and climbed into bed.

"Sleeping already, Lou?" My mum asked. She walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, love."

"Night, mum."

She headed back out of my room, leaving me to myself and my thoughts. That was almost never good. Somehow, though, I was able to focus on only the darkness of the room and soon drifted into sleep.

I walked into school happy for no real reason. Just a smile on my face and no idea why it was there. I headed towards my locker when something caught my eye.

Harry was being beaten up by Liam, blood streaming from his nose. Anger flooded through my veins as I marched up to them.

"Hey, Liam," I said, making the bully turn. I punched him square in the nose. "How do you like it, huh?"

Liam clutched his face and ran away.

I walked to Harry and brushed his curly brown locks from his bloody face. I stared into his deep green eyes, and leaned in--

I jolted upright in my bed.

What did the dream mean? Did I... Like Harry Styles?

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