Best Friends

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My party was rapidly approaching. I was having bad dreams. I normally slept like a log with only happy dreams. I guessed it must be anticipation for my forthcoming party or perhaps the representative softball tryouts even though I didn't think I was anxious.

My dreams always ended in Wattle Court causing me to wake abruptly before settling and falling back to sleep.

Winter rang in tears three days before my party blurting and sobbing "Mum won't; let me go; to your party" continuing she said still sobbing but with a little more control over her voice "I knew I was gonna have a hard time selling her on the sleepover."

"But she doesn't even want me to go to the party!" she finally exploded

"Oh Winter; isn't there anyway we can convince her?" I asked sympathetically.

"No" she blubbered back.

"What if I come over now. I'm sure I could get your mum to agree."

"No! That would make matters worse." she exuded.


"It just will. I can't explain on the phone. We'll talk tomorrow." she said as she promptly terminated the call.

Now I was the sobbing. Winter was my best friend even though I spent more time with Summer. Winter had already earnt the best friend tag before Summer came along. Summer and I were the best of friends. Winter was my best friend.

I rang Summer sobbing and retelling my conversation with Winter. We resolved we would address it with Winter before school tomorrow. We agreed to meet earlier than usual as Winter normally arrived before either of us.

I went down stairs still sobbing to seek the console of my parents. Dad bailed early in the conversation giving me a cuddle and kiss before retreating to the sanctuary of his study. Despite talking it through for more than half an hour with mum we didn't come up with anything. That is nothing other than talking things out with Winter tomorrow. I did feel more relaxed though as I felt we had considered all options. I appreciated mum's patience, caring, understanding and counsel in talking things through with me.

Summer and I arrived early as arranged but Winter was a no show. Of all of the days to be late I thought. Then I felt bad as I considered the possibility she was ill. We arrived at class at the last possible moment and were somewhat annoyed to find Winter in class. She smiled guiltily revealing she had deliberately avoided us. I returned an understanding smile as I gave her a quick hug before sitting.

At lunch Winter apologised an asked our patience and promised to talk it through after school. Frustrated we remained but what else could we do except agree to let Winter explain the issues at her own pace.

The end of the school day seemed to take forever to arrive. Finally it did and Summer and I made our way to the oval to meet Winter as arranged.

"I don't really know where to start" Winter said. "The fact is I have been keeping a secret my entire school life. My father left my mother because of this secret. My mother gets counselling twice a week as do I".

Summer and I looked at each other completely bemused. Cleary this was a way bigger issue than we had thought. We returned our attention to Winter for her to continue.

"Everything came to a head the other day when I had finally convinced mum to let me go to your party. Mum was about to receive her counselling mentor when of all people you knock on the door." she says looking at me.

"Cutting a long story short when my mums friend arrived she thought you were me. They realised you went to my school and eventually I had to confess you were my friend."

The lights went on for both Summer and I as we each said "You're a SOTEP!" "A member of the Society of The Everlasting Providence" I quickly corrected in case she found SOTEP offensive.

"Yes; and we are encouraged to disclose this at school and to try and get our friends to join our faith. It's because I haven't done so that my mother and I get counselling even though I fulfil all the other requirements of my faith."

My dad left our faith and is shunned by our community. My dad has encouraged me to keep doors open as long as possible before making a decision to be baptised. In short it is frowned upon if we socialise with people who are not of our faith. We do not celebrate birthdays and most holidays. We do not believe in government intervention, wars, police, army and many other things you might consider as normal. "In short you have been deemed completely unacceptable because by selling those badges; you're seen as doing Satan's work."

"So you see the issue is a lot larger than just going to your birthday. They don't want me to socialise with you at all!"


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