The Sleepover

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Everyone was gone by 11:30 with the exception of Mr Johnson, Winter, Summer, Elly, Donna Petersen and Jasmine Harris the Wolves Third Base. Mum had agreed to letting the other three girls join the sleepover and fortunately their parents were happy to allow them to.

Mr Johnson had been talking with Dad in the study for most of the time and I assumed he had been getting the goss on Winters mum and some of the roadblocks ahead. Dad and Mr Johnson went down to the garage to get out all the sleeping bags from the camping equipment and the roll out mattresses that we use with them. They also went next door to the Morgans to borrow another three bags.

My bed, the trundle and camp bed that had been set up for the sleepover all got pulled out of my room with only the mattresses remaining. My bedroom floor was then covered with all the mattresses, the sleeping bags were unrolled and all laid out for our use.

I deduced Winter's dad was sleeping in the guest room when I saw him bringing in a backpack and an overnight bag. The backpack went to the study and Winter was given the overnight bag. A quick look into the guest room revealing the bed covers had been pulled down. When was this decided?

It was after midnight before we settled in our room and the lights went out and the conversations started. Jasmine was the first to speak "Your lucky Ryan didn't come tonight; Elly" was all she said.

"No not really; he sent me a text saying he wasn't coming and that it was over between us. Wasn't happy about it at the time but I lucked out with Ben; he seems really nice or have I picked another dud?" she threw out for general comment.

Donna Petersen was the one to respond.

"I've known him since primary school. To be honest I've had a thing for him for years. Like me he is a bit shy; if only I'd had the balls to grab his hand like you did Elly. He has always hung with Johnathon and I was slightly concerned they batted for the other team if you know what I mean."

There was general sniggering before Summer threw in "I'm glad they're not" and the room erupted into full on laughter.

Donna continued "I've never seen them with a girlfriend in all those years. I've certainly seen lots of girls flirting with them but the bait was never taken. They have only ever been polite and respectful to any girls I have seen them with or talk about. Hence the reason I had a crush on Ben."

"I'm sorry I cut you out Donna" Elly said politely but without really meaning it.

"No" said Donna "I had my chances and I think Ben needs someone to take charge of him. You guys looked good together I'm not jealous or upset."

"Maybe I'll get him after you train him and discard him." More laughter erupted.

"You'll have plenty of competition Donna, Loosey for one is always trying to crack onto one of them." Summer added.

"Who hasn't Loosey hit on?" Winter outed before gasping and covering her mouth.

"W..what are you saying Winter?" was all I could muster to which she responded

"Well to coin another softball phrase; she bats for both teams. I think my refusal is why she picks on us so much."

"Oh Winter you truly are a secret keeper."

"I did promise her to keep it secret and frankly I have let myself down more by spilling the beans. I know she is not our friend but I don't want the taint of homosexuality associated with me."

"Wow there! Taint!" Jasmin screeched.

I realised yet another discovery had been made tonight. I quickly seized the conversation.

"Winter people can't help who they fall in love with; some of us are genetically coded to be attracted to people of the same gender; others just fall in love with the person despite their gender. At the far end of the spectrum there are confused souls like Lucy who haven't found themselves and are internally combusting." 

I continue after a moment of reflection "I have few gay friends Winter."

"I'm happy to hear when someone is attracted to me" as I cast my eyes to Jasmine who now has a wry smile as she hears what I'm saying

"I'm also more; than a little sorry when I taint their inner light as I have to explain my drive isn't in that direction."

Jasmine pouts but then smiles again in acknowledgment of what I have just said.  

"Winter we are all just people and different sexual preferences, political orientations or religious beliefs shouldn't see us treated differently."

Summer could see we had ventured into murky waters and with an enthused voice said "Yeah and who would think I would have a boyfriend and that he would be such a hunk. Thanks Elly I would never have had snared Johnathon if you hadn't grabbed Ben like you did."

Completely off topic but it worked and once again the room was in laughter.

"Truth No Dare!" says Jasmin and the I's have it because Winter, Summer and I say nothing in fear of where this could go. 

The first question was tame "What celebrity do you have a crush on?"

Justin Bieber and Harry Styles getting the votes.  

"What was the last lie you told?"

There was only one interesting response when Jasmin said "answering Justin Bieber to the last question" which set of another round of cackling.

"What feature of yours are you self-conscious about?" 

Summer said "her freckles", Winter "dark hair on her arms" but Donna stole the show when she answered "huge nipples".  

"If you had to kiss someone in this room who would it be?

Winter and I choose each other, Summer chose me, Jasmine and Donna also choose each over and Elly chose Summer. 

There were other spurious questions and finally Jasmine said it's getting late one last question

"If you had only 24 hours left to live, what would you do?"

Summer went first and said "Easy not die a virgin where are you Johnathon".

When the fits of laughter dulled enough for Elly to speak; she said "Well I'm not exactly a virgin but I like your drift; so spend it with Ben". The room filled with Oohs and Ahs.

"I know it's lame but spend it with my folks and you guys I think" I said.

"I honestly don't know" Winter said before continuing "I guess I'd go along with Autumn's thoughts". 

"Live on the wild side and seduce Donna" Jasmine boldly said with a giggle making it seem flippant as we burst out in laughter but it was Donna's response of "Yeah I could go there" that really sent us over the top.


Truth and dare almost always
brings out something fun.
Who would have thought huge
nipples. Crazy

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