Wolfstar HC 3

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Wolfstar written 30/4/2013

It was the day of his wedding. A wedding he always wanted. Just not to Tonks. He loved her, of course he did, but she wasn’t Sirius. He had given him so much, supported him more than anyone. However if Sirius hadn’t of been killed then she wouldn’t have had to, they wouldn’t have grown close and he wouldn’t be marrying her at all. How he wished his favourite dog was here with him now, here to tell him it is all a dream, that any moment he will wake up and see those big dark eyes he loved so much. On the night of his death his wish came true. When he awoke on the other side he came face to face with Sirius. ‘Remus!’ Sirius called as he held him close. ‘You shouldn’t be here, it’s too soon.’ ‘Maybe so Sirius, but I don’t care, we have been reunited. Teddy still has Tonks.’  He kissed Sirius deeply. There was a flash and Tonks appeared beside them. Remus’ heart sank; he was forever stuck in between them both. ‘Oh how I hate matters of the heart.’ He thought to himself.

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