21.) David (Soul Eater)

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Name: David

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Relative: Haku

Race: Snake Weapon

Weapon/Miester: Weapon

Partner: Unknown

Old Partner: Haku

Class: None

Soul resonance: No partner

Soul resonance with Haku: His Scythe would reflect the look of Haku's face, as a snake comes, and bites her neck, making both of there soul combine while Haku uses all the power at the opponents, shooting snakes and witch hunter with it.

Appearance: (Above)

Personality: Outgoing, Humor, loves to make people laugh, weird, childish at some point, makes people wonder if he's actually the older brother, VERY protective of Haku, VERY strict in choosing Haku's boyfriend which Haku doesn't pay no mind in, horrible in disguising himself and if wanted to, he can be colder then Haku.

Likes: "Cookies, cookies, cookies, snakes, cookies again, Haku, and cookies :3" David said cutely.

Dislikes: Not having cookies, his cookies being smashed, Haku's crushes, having Haku ignoring him, being ignored, every guy around Haku, Soul, madness, and company.

Backstory: Like what happened to Haku's past, but in his point of view, he felt the real him drift into the madness and before he knew it, he was started to laugh. And as he saw the hurt and scared look of Haku, it pierce his heart, to the point he wanted to yell out to Haku that it isn't him but all it came out was. "Join the madness side Haku! You can't run away from it!"

As he disappeared, feeling that its better for Haku not to be around him, he stumble across Death City, the city Haku was and as a older brother, he couldn't leave his little sister. So he wears many disguises, one of his favorite was a shirt that read: Not David. In his disguise, He wears a farmer's hat, sunglasses, and talks in this farmer accent fooling Haku every time.

But one thing he does, is work and help out the witches, in order to see what they are plotting and if it has anything involving his sister, He'll accept and tease Haku around trying to get her out of danger like a older brother will do.

But he still plays the bad guy to Haku, messing with her madness rate and even waiting to take her soul. Never was easy to play the bad guy when he hears Haku say these words. "Even if we have the same blood, madness, I'll assure you, that your aren't related to me."

"We are, even if you don't like it Haku-chan!! Sister and brothers forever!!' David chuckled as Haku aims a blade at him.

"I don't think of you as my brother. Fuck off my life." She declared, her words hurting her as much as David. But David couldn't blame her, everything she's doing is for survival and to keep herself firm. That's his first encounter with his sister :/

Crush: "Does cookie count!! Want some?" David asked blinking innocently, holding a cookie out to you.

Relative: Haku "Yay!" David squealed happily.

Good or bad: Both

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