37.) Ashton Carner (Fairy Tail)

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Let's introduce this adorable gumball

Name: Ashton Carner Fox

Age: 16

Species: Demon/Celestial spirit

Celestial Name: Demonic Fox

Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Mark: On his neck.

Likes: He is a very adventurous person and finds entertainment in the littlest thing. He loves candy, he is a guilty sweet tooth just like his mother. He loves spending time around animals and naturally animals like being around him. He likes to swim, cuddle, and stay up watching movies and playing video games. He also likes bugs and cute things.

Dislikes: He's not a very athletic person so sports is a no go in his list. He has a very strong hatred towards the celestial world. His mother tries to get him to embrace some of the good things but he can't look pass the hell it put his mom through.

Personality: He is the most kindest, innocent little gumball that could be placed on earth. He takes after his parents alot. He's the identical twin of his father, and personality wise, he is very behaved and formal. Now for his mother, he shares her energy, her smile, and unfortunately her tenacities in getting lost. He would flash you the most biggest smile and go up to you as if he knows you, but sometimes he could be shy when it comes to the opposite gender. The cutest thing is that he has a tiny innocent crush on Ruby, just the way someone crushes on a celebrity.

Background: His first moments of life wasn't the best. The celestial world and King traced a rare and powerful energy source that could be a great asset to them. They never laid their eyes on a celestial spirit mixed with demon blood. During Mist's labor, she was kidnapped and forced to give birth. She fought with all her strength, but her labor weaken ber and the drugs used on her blocked her ability to use magic. Her own family snatched the baby right out of her arms, without giving her a chance to hold him or feed him and left her to die. Thankfully his dad, Sean and his Aunt, Sabrina came to save them. (easterniese)

Sabrina found baby Ashton and snatched him back. But after that and a few future complications, he was a happy child with a happy family with a few sad moments. One was his pet goat died. His name was Pepper.

Magic: He takes after both parents but he mostly uses his celestial powers. Due to his demonic features, his power in celestial form is higher than most spirits. In fact, with training, he was able to cast Ice Shell without any consequence, surpressing Mist. He enjoys the use of Ice, and the ability to mold anything the way he wants. His time magic needs alot of work. There was a time where he tried stopping time, and he couldn't do it completely which resulted in a people walking pass and them freezing. He is also can disguise himself and other people the way he feels fit just like his father. He isn't the best, but with more training with his father, he can master it. The downfall is that tapping into his demonic powers causes him to cough up blood, due to his body not being used to all the energy.

Crush: " (; ///^///;) "

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