ïWhat he thought when he saw you for the first time.

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What he thought when he saw you for the first time.

Minho- Oh shucks, trust me to knock someone over. Klunk, it's a girl! Oh wow, she's shucking hot.

[When you came up in the box, Minho was Maze. You were on your tour with Newt, Minho was running out of the maze. Just as you were about to walk past the big opening when Minho came running through. Resulting with you both colliding. He ends up falling on you.]

Thomas- Oh wow, oh my gosh. She's touching me. Okay, let's be cool.

[You had a job as a med jack. Thomas had just spent the night in the maze with Minho. You'd seen him before but you don't think he'd seen you. You were in charge of giving Thomas and Minho the once over].

Gally- Holy Klunk, it's a girl. It's a shucking girl. She's fit. Oh my gosh

[He was the one to jump into the box when you came up. He looked like he was about to talk but then suddenly his jaw dropped.]

Ben- .Okay okay okay. Don't trip up. Act cool. You've got a hot girl on your hands here.

[You'd just been made a runner. Minho told Ben to look after you for a few days while you were in the maze. He hadn't seen you before, but he'd heard of you.]

Newt- Wow, oh holy Klunk balls. She better attend to me. oh shucks man.

[Newt had been in the medical tent for a while after going over on his leg, the one that he hurt when he jumped half way off the wall. While he was there you had been made a medjack. You didn't attend to him but you'd seen him a few times.]

A/n: So this is pretty bad. But read on, Cause you love me *wink*

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