what he calls you

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What he calls you.

Minho- BABY.
[He calls you baby because he thinks it's cute, as simple as that.]

Thomas- BABE.
[He calls you babe because he is very romantic and he likes to make you feel loved.]

[He loves to treat you like a princess!]

[Most people would think that you'd call him captain, but you're the only captain in his life]

Newt- LOVE.
[He sticks to his British roots and uses simple 'love'.]

A/n: afternoon shanks. So I've got this Minho x reader book and I'd love it of you could read it *shameful self promo* even if you aren't a Minho girl (like me) it would be awesome if you read it. You could just add my name into it lol.

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~ Beth

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