chapter 4

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There was three knocks at the double front door and then the doors being slammed against the wall. Sabastian sighed and went to the door "good afternoon my lady, my master will be with you shortly." Sabastian bowed anf waited at the bottom of the stairs for Ciel. Sabastian noticed all the flowers and for once the servents didnt make it looks too bad. "Why hello Sabastian!" Elizabeth squeled in her high pitch voice. Ciel entered "hello Elizabeth,i hope you are doing well." "Oh Ciel just call me lizzie, and yes im very well!" She skipped over to Ciel and hugged him tightly, Ciel stepped back and tried to didtract her from hugging him "so Lizzie do want to go to the market?" "Oh yes! And then we can have a ball!" She squeked, Ciel gave a slight nod, looked back at Sabastian and mouthed 'help!' Sabastian followed through the door after them and sniggered. Elizabeth had blonde curly hair and adored frilly detailed dresses, and for some reason had to call everything pretty or cute.

The markets were full of commoners and little children gauping at the expensive toys "Sabastian get us some tea," Ciel ordered, if he was going to put with Elizabeth he at least deservered some quality tea. Sabastian went over to the tea stall decorated with paper bunting and asked for two cups of earl grey. Ciel gestured Lizzie to sit and pushed her chair in, then Sabastian did the same for him. They were served the tea in orange and grean tea cups.

Later they carried on with Elizabeth dragging him along to every clothes stall, making him try on girly accsesories. When Elizabeth's made told her it was time to go Ciel sighed and said "what a shame we will have the ball another day." "Oh ok Ciel! Love you!" She waved as she walked away. "Sabastian take me home now!" Ciel really wanted to go home "right away my lord." And of they went.

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