Getting to The Destination

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We all wake to Evie screaming Mal's name.

Mal is awake immediately, and is comforting Evie.

"Evie, I'm fine. I'm here, and I'm fine." She whispers softly.

Evie starts to calm down and sobs into Mal's shoulder.

"What happened?" Mal asks her.

Evie shrugs.

"I can't remember. I can only remember that it had something to do with your mother." She explains, looking guilty.

"Don't worry about waking us up." I say, getting up.

"We have to get a move on anyway." I explain, putting out the tiny flame left in our camp fire.

Everyone starts to get up and get ready to leave when the Horned King pulls me aside.

"Ben, listen to me. I kept watch while you all were sleeping. I saw Maleificent's henchmen pass over us." He explains.

"What?" I ask, probably sounding desperate.

He nods.

"Not to worry though. I made it look like a normal clearing with a spell. I just wanted to tell you that we are close. Real close." He says seriously.

I nod.

We walk back out into the clearing, both looking serious.

"Ben? What's wrong?" Mal asks from her saddle on Scout.

I make sure everyone is paying attention.

"We are close. The Horned King saw Maleificent's henchmen fly over, good thing he he did. He saved us from being caught." I explain to them.

Jay, Carlos, and Evie suddenly have respect for the man.

Mal smiles.

"Good. We need to get this done. Auradon can't have her on the lose anymore." Mal says, almost like a leader giving a speech.

I can almost see her in battle armor holding a sword and standing in front of the sun, like in movies as a crowd cheers.

"We are finishing this." Mal says, riding over to the entrance we came in.

We all saddle up and follow her.


Its been an hour since we left.

Mal stays in the lead with me and Evie behind her, Jay and Carlos behind us, and The Horned King taking the rear again.

"So Mal, how long?" Carlos asks.

Mal takes a deep breath.

"Soon Carlos, soon." She answers.

We all can't help but hope she is right.

Scout suddenly throws Mal off her saddle.

"Scout!" Mal shouts angrily.

We all stare at the horse freaking.

We try to get our horses to move forward, but they back up instead.

"They sense the evil here." The Horned King says as he ties up his horse.

We all do the same.

Mal gets up and rubs her head.

"Jeeze." She mutters.

She sighs.

"Looks like we do the rest o-...." Mal cuts herself off by turning around.

"Mal?" I ask.

She stare blankly ahead.

"I-i feel it too." She whispers.

The Horned King walks over to her.

"Resist the urge. This is your mother's evil magic. If you give in she will have control of you." He says to her.

"Its, so, strong." Mal says, almost like she can't breathe.

"Snap out of it!" Her father shouts.

Mal shakes her head.

"Sorry." she says.

He smiles lightly.

"Just be careful what you do here." He says as we walk towards the winding dark path.


"The dark forest is so nice this time of year isn't it?" Jay says sarcastically.

We all attempt laughing, but it falls flat.

We are all on edge here, its never a good place to be.

"Are we there yet?" Carlos asks.

We all stare daggers at him and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry!" He says, voice cracking.

Mal chuckles.

"But to answer your question, I think we are almost there." Mal says, taking in everything.

The woods here almost look like they were in some tragic forest fire.

Gray and black.

As we walk through, you can't help but jump if someone steps on a twig.

"Guys. We have arrived." Evie says from the front of the group.

We all stop and try to look the castle up and down.

The castle is black, all black.

Above it green clouds of smoke sircle around the tallest part.

Mal steps forward, wonder filling her every move.

"Time to finish this." She growls.

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