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Hello! And thank you so much for 1.17k reads!!!! Here's the chapter. Enjoy!

Third Person POV

Two weeks later, I finally got discharged from the hospital. Eren had done as he promised, and visited me every day. I haven't heard anything from Levi in awhile, but knowing him, he's probably ok. Eren was coming to pick me up from the hospital. I'm getting dressed back into jeans, white t-shirt, navy blue hoody, low white socks, and navy blue sneakers. I put my lucky necklace on (necklace in the picture), and I'm about to get my shirt on, when I see my scar. I run my fingers over the scar, when a loud knock interupts me.

"F/N? Are y-." Eren starts, then he sees that I don't have a shirt on.

His face turns crimson, and so does mine. I immediatly turn around, and try to hide my body, scar included.

"Don't look!!!" I scream at him, throwing my hoody at him.

"Sememasen!!!!!" Eren screams.

For those of you that don't know, sememasen means sorry.

I hear the door shut, and turn around. Eren has left the room. I calm down, and put my shirt on. I walk over to my hoody and pick it up. I then put the hoody on, and slip my sneakers on. I open the door, and Eren falls through the door, ending up on top of me. I'm on my back, and he's facing me. Our faces are just centameters apart. I can feel his warm breath. My face turns crimson. Kiss me you fool. Why did I just think that?!?! Do I really like Eren? I mean I've always liked him as a friend, but never as a love intrest. Eren starts to get up, and doesn't realize where he put his hand. I'm guessing his head is fuzzy from being centameters apart. Wait, oi!! As Eren was starting to get up, he put his hand on my breast. My face turns a deeper shade of crimson. He seems confused, and starts to squeeze. I gasp, but want to moan slightly. He finally looks at what he's doing, and his face turns crimson again. He quickly gets off, and I feel relieved, but disapointed as well. Eren stands up, and offers his hand. I look up at him, confused.

"It's the least I can do after I saw you shirtless, fell on top of you, and gro-." Eren starts.

"Ok, ok! I get it. Thanks." I tell him, grabbing his hand.

He hoists me onto my feet, and we walk out hand in hand. Why is my heart fluttering so much? I'm staring at his back, to avoid talking to him. Why do I feel this way? Do I really like Eren that way? Eren opens my door for me, and I thank him as I get in. He shuts the door, and then gets in the drivers seat. He drives to his apartment, and I stare out the window. Am I really in love with Eren? Is it because I broke up with Levi? Is it because this whole time, he's always been there? Why is my heart fluttering from just being in the car with him? I close my eyes, and wait for us to arrive back at his apartment.

Le Driving Skip

Eren pulls into his apartment, and we see police cars lined up around the building Eren lives in. We both look at each other, then get out of the car.

"Officer? What's going on?" I ask a police officer nearby.

"A girl was found dead this morning." he says.

I'm guessing that's all I'm gonna get. But, I might as well ask the name of said girl.

"What's her name?" I ask.

"I'm really not supposed to be talking abou this, to anyone except other officers." he responds.

"I'm sorry, but I'm sure only the name can't hurt." I tell him.

"Petra Ral." he says.

I stare at him like he's crazy.

"What? Petra Ral is dead?" I ask him.

Levi x Reader x Eren(Cheater!)Where stories live. Discover now