Chapter One (Hate?)

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Thomas's POV (Chapter 1)

"THOMAS!" Mum was going on and on. "You're thirteen! Act like it."

"Maybe I don't want to be thirteen." I yelled. "You know what, I want to be a transfer student. I'm moving to America!"

"Fine by me." Mum yelled.

"I'm sure it is! You hate me!" I ran up stairs slamming my bed room door.

Your POV

Dad, Alice, Mom, and I were walking through the grocery market. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." I said.

"Kay. We're going to check out." Mom said. I nodded and ran to the back of the store to the bathrooms as soon as the door closed and I locked it I heard gun shots. I counted 24. A tear fell down my face. The alarm went off. I ran inside one of the stalls and lock the door not that it would do anything. I waited 20 minutes and the bathroom door opened. My chest tightened.

"LAPD. Is anyone in hear?" I looked out one of the door cracks. The men were holding official badges.

"Over hear." I said. Two of the officers walked over.

"We are not going to hurt you. Okay." He held up his badge. "What's your name, darling?"

"Y/N." I said.

"Can you come out, Y/N?" I unlocked the door and slowly opened it.

"I didn't shoot anyone." I said.

"We know, darling."

"Where's my family?" One of the men looked around. "Where's my family?" I asked more forcefully.

"You're the only survivor." I fell to the ground and started crying.

*one month later*

I was legally under the care of my Aunt Molly and Uncle Ian. The put me in a boarding school. We lived there never got to go home. The upside was we got to wear anything we wanted inside that was appropriate so I wore pure black. Well, except my hair I had died some of it royal blue. I hated the place. I only had one friend his name was Dylan and we only talked every once and awhile because he had other friends that were guys and always dragged him away. I spent most of my time in the park a block away from the school writing things in a black book. One day about two weeks after I got to the school I walked to the park like I did every day and sat on my normal bench.

Thomas's POV

I looked at a girl who was writing in a black book about thirty feet away from us. She wore a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black converses. "What's up with the girl in black?" I asked my new group of friends.

"Oh, Y/N. She's a little goth." Dylan said.

"And the book?" I asked.

"No one really knows. Chris tried to look at a week ago. She kicked the shit out of him." She got up and started walking towards us.

"I can hear you." She said. I stood. I was about an inch taller than her. "You're taller than me."


"Don't find that often. Just wanted to say that if you're going to talk about people maybe you should keep your voices down." She looked at Dylan giving him a death stare. She turned and I grabbed her book. "What the fuck?" She yelled.

"What's in the book?" I asked about to open it.

"Open it and you'll regret it, douchebag."

"You curse a lot don't you?"

"Look mr British, you read that book and I'll kill you." I opened the cover. She took a step back anger in her eyes. She lifted he leg kicking me as hard as she could were the sun don't shine.

"You little piece of shit!" I hunched over dropping her book.

"Don't touch my book." She picked it up. She walked off, wind ripping at her purple streaked hair.

"What you think about her now?" Dylan asked.

"She's hot." I said following her down the street.

Hate? (Thomas Sangster Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora