Chapter 9: Remember

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Jade's POV
Perrie and I decided to go to Nando's for dinner. The fact that she suggested the same exact Nando's that started this all, more than a year gave me hope. Anyways, the waiter left to get our orders, I was fiddling with my drink straw, something was nagging at me. Since we came here before, she could...I could spark her memory, bring her back to where we first kissed. I sat up straight, how didn't I remember this before?! Clearly this place had significance in our relationship. And that was more of what I wanted to think about instead of the authorized transfer slip that was sitting in my beg back home.

"Do you want to go to the park later pez?" I asked, pulling the gorgeous blonde out of her thoughts. "Sure! What for?" She wondered. "I  can explain later, but I want to show you something." I could feel the grin on my face. What if it works, I don't know what I'd do. "Okay, no problem baba. We'll go after eating." She smiled. I could feel myself literally praying and jumping internally, this could be a great thing-absolutely. If she doesn't remember, fine, I'll find something else to help her remember; it will come to me. One way or another.

In the restaurant however, we got lucky somehow; no one noticed us. Well, until there was a familiar looking couple in the back, a few tables away from us. They were speaking in French, and Perrie and I met them in France a while back; of course! It was...I wracked my brains wildly, I couldn't forget these two that easily! Then I grinned stupidly once their names came back to me. Abby and Kayla.

I saw one of the girls reach forwards to take the other's hand. They were smiling like the truly happy couple they were. Then it didn't take long for, I think Abby to meet my gaze; and she twitched in disbelief, although her expression lit up once more. Then Kayla turned to see me and she started to smile too. I waved at them and motioned for the pair to join Perrie and I. Kayla's eyes widened in disbelief which was quite adorable; Perrie was a bit confused since she hadn't seen them yet, although when they bounced over hand in hand she understood.

"Hi!" Abby chirped, giving me a quick hug after her girlfriend. "Hey girls, sit." I grinned hugging them back and slid over to offer a seat to Kayla whilst Abby sat on Perrie's side. "How are you two?" I asked as they shyly greeted Perrie, who was trying to pick out how she could possibly know them but accepted their hugs. "We're doing great, much better. Couldn't be happier." Abby gushed out whilst staring at her girlfriend with a loving smile, Kayla started to turn cherry red. I couldn't help cooing over them in happiness, honestly, they deserved it. "I noticed you guys sitting so I figured, why not have you just come and eat with us? My treat." I giggled, feeling even better than before, although I still longed for Perrie, for her to remember.

"Wow, you would do that? You don't have to Jade." Kayla said. "Don't worry, I want to." I smiled and had them notify the waiter of their bill change. "Thank you so much." Abby smiled at us, Perrie broke out of her silent trance. "Abby and Kayla!" She gasped in victory, nearly scaring the poor blonde girl. "Y-yeah, that's us." Abby blushed deeply. "Wait, Perrie, I don't want to be rude but, are you okay?" Abby took a moment to study the blonde. "Well, I er-I don't know if I'm allowed to discuss it with you guys, Jade-?" She looked at me in worry, getting lost. I took her hand to bring her back before she recessed back into her shell. "Perrie, you discuss it with anyone you feel like, I think this will help okay? They're wonderful girls. Don't worry." I didn't break eye contact with her throughout my statement. She looked to the two girls who now appeared worried, concerned. Then she nodded.

She didn't let  go of my hand as she spoke, I knew it wasn't much, but it still meant she trusted me. "Well, the articles that have been going around; about all the hell we've been through. I have memory loss, and I...well that's why we're not in public so much, we're all getting back into routine, I was in a coma. And it really-really sucked. And only about a mere while ago, I found out that Jade and I were...well, dating. But I can't remember, because of the mental trauma I went through, and I've been going through quite the hell to remember, I feel like it's right, that we were-that we've been together, and that we're in a successful girlgroup, but I just want it to come back now, have for months." She had so much emotion swirling in her eyes, the girls listened to her every word and nodded, seeming to think hard for several moments.

"Do you remember us?" Kayla asked. Perrie was silent but she nodded, smiling softly. "You two are still the cutest couple I've met. And-Jade! I remember you, you were there too. We were Kayla! About her dad, and that he was being a bum-I remember." She squeezed my hand happily, the other two started to smile as well. "Yeah, and then Kay introduced us. One of the best days ever." Abby smiled over at her girlfriend quickly. "And we found out-your dad, are you okay now? I remember he grabbed you when you came out love." Perrie reached forwards to take Kayla's hand. The other girl nodded and held out her arm, it was in perfect condition except for maybe a couple of band aids on her forearm. Abby started giggling as Pez and I eyed the minions band aids suspiciously.
"The cat doesn't get along with my baby too well." Abby explained, telling us the story of how they had recently adopted a cat named Oswald, well, that was the compromise. But anyways, when they would turn in for the night, the cat would hog Kayla's spot on the bed, or fight or protest when she would jump on him if he wouldn't budge. The four of us ended up sitting together for hours, talking and...sharing things.
It's been a while.
I mean, I was always with the girls-and I love them to death, but it's also nice knowing I can see other people as well, to spend time with others. And looking at Perrie, I felt happy because she was starting to remember. It made everything I'd been through so far worth it.
Even the quiet background I was starting to pull on a certain recently fired gentleman from promotion. There was something there, and that meant we weren't safe. So of course it was time to find out how and why.

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