Chapter 3- Dreams starting to be real?

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Heidi's POV
"Somebody make me feel alive and shatter meeeee...!!!" I sang aloud, I completely don't know this song but it's stuck in my head for some reason... It was all because of this dream I had last night... But this song seems really catchy and cool! But I just don't know who sings it...

"Hey Heidi! You okay? You need help?" Lindsey came in and smiled, I just nodded and continued preparing our lunches for school today. We both packed ours and the girls lunches and put it in our bags. It was nice to see Vinessa again after moving away from her 5 years ago! I've also made 4 new other new friends! I was happy again after those 5 brutal years in a boarding school!
My parents didn't like me back then, they always abused me and called me names. Then they told me to move away, to a boarding school. I was there for 5 years, until I decided to buy my own house and move out then come to this school!

As we packed the lunches, I was humming to that song that was in my dream! I just can't help it but hum to it! It's a really good song!

"Hey, that song! I recognise it! I don't know the song though and who sings it! But I have to admit! It's pretty good!" Lindsey admitted, I just nodded my head slowly and smiled. I don't know who sings it either.

After the 6 of us got ready and ate breakfast we slung our bags on our back and walked out of the front door. My other new friend, Nicole was the last one to be out so she shut the door and locked it.

Lindsey's POV
As we walked in the streets on the way to school we were happily chatting about happy stuff! I was smiling and all happy!

"When I grow up I want to be a Rainbow UNICORN!!!!" Nicole joked like a little kid, her eyes sparkled, her hands were clutched against her chest and she was looking at the sky daydreamingly, we all laughed our heads off how ridiculous and funny she can be!

"But unicorns don't exist Nikki!" Amanda chuckled and patted her back, then she pouted and crossed her arms like a little kid. "Awwwwwww!!! I'm going to ask god if unicorns can be created!" She's so childish! 😆😁

Suddenly my legs go weak, I felt pale and my heart's beating increased rapidly. I feel sweat coming from my face and my palms. My friends were still laughing and happily chatted while I felt really weird... My breathing started to be really heavy, soon I was starting to gasp for air! Am I dying? I don't want to die!!! I'm still too young! I suddenly feel really dizzy and lightheaded, I felt a raging headache coming through and started to feel like spewing! "Argh!" I squeaked still gasping for air, I then dropped on my knees and started to shiver, I got the girls attention and they all had their eyes wide open on what they're seeing. They all ran to me, I then started to faint and see darkness. It felt like I was unconcious.

Rina's POV
"LINDSEY!!!! OH MY GOSH!!! ARE YOU OKAY!!" We all panicked in unison and ran to Lindsey  quickly!

"Please Don't die Lindsey!" I cried and tears started to flow through my face.

"Rina! Call the ambulance quick!" Vinessa cried and picked Lindsey Up. The others helped as well pick up Lindsey as well.
Oh dear, when it came to phone calling why did it have to be me? I don't like calling people because It's awkward and embarrassing.
I sigh and reluctantly picked my phone up, But I had to this for Lindsey! I dialled "000" and the operator woman came on.
"You have dialled emergency Triple zero. Your call is being connected. Do you nee-"

"AMBULANCE PLEASE!" I yelled with a hint of panic in my voice. She then switched the telephone line to an ambulance.

"Hello, what's your emer-"

"My friend, Lindsey fainted and her breathing is heavy! We're on a footpath on Johnston Court!" I cut him off, I wanted to hurry this up before Lindsey struggles to breathe and dies!

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