[0]. Science Laughs So I Do Too.

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Laugh at it, DAMMIT!

(There's this spot I often hang @ [look out my window] where there's this cool but HARD NOSED science guy named Rob Jones. I like posting against him 'cause he just gets SO INTO his responses. And he's HEAVY on the intelligence insults... but he's pretty frickin' FUNNY at it...

The following is an example:

"...I don't think our concept of the atom is the "end of the truth". My point is thinking that the concept was laughed at just a little over 100 years ago is the exact opposite of the truth. The concept was never laughed at, it was always taken seriously even before we had a means to decide the issue..."

To which I just HAD to respond:

"Science" has "laughed at" concepts that today are taken for granted. In the cosmic scheme of things, only yesterday human beings thought the world was flat and that our world got around the universe on the backs of elephants. We once took seriously the assumption that the sun revolved around the earth. Some kids are still taught that babies come from cabbage patches.

People generally laugh at the things that are beyond their ability to conceive. I, myself, can see the shape and color of every sound I hear. "What kind of drugs are YOU taking?", you're probably asking yourself right now. I was born this way. I'm a synesthete. It's a scientifically researched sensory condition...

But because YOU can't see things the way I do then I'm probably at least a bit "wierd" in your initial estimation... but I'm only ASSUMING that. I've lived my entire life seeing things in a way that no one else around me hardly ever even imagines. That doesn't make my reality any more or less REAL than any one elses. It simply makes me different and, by the very weight of personal experience, I KNOW that people generally FEAR what they do not understand...

One way that people generally deal with their fear of the unknown, the implausible and/or the inexplicable is to LAUGH at it. Scientists generally laugh at folks who believe in UFO's. They snicker behind their hands at the folly of those who continually search for bigfoot, the lochness monster and Santa Claus...

Hell, LAUGHTER is the BEST medicine, or so some say! Just because folks laugh at things doesn't mean they won't or cannot overcome their initial reticence of the matter and EXPLORE the options they represent, however...

Otherwise, we wouldn't have TV, airplanes, automobiles, digital phones and the list of technological accomplishments goes on and on and on. LAUGH all you want, I say...

I used to think Captain Kirk and his funny little flip top communicator were pretty hilarious as a viable concept for common communication... But I have a digital phone on my hip right now, as you're reading this and so, probably, do you!



[1]. On Indigo Children

Though the designation "Indigo Children" is a pseudo-scientific one, I'm determined that it must apply easily to any Autistic and Autistic related individuals. Such people who can and do learn to not only live with their conditions but also excel by applying what would otherwise be considered a disability to RL circumstances...

That kinda will power is nothing less than an expression of at LEAST near psychic potential, just having the ability to actuallySEE THROUGH all of that Extra Sensory Information that Autistic folk are basically "Blinded" by and still create what can readily be considered "Miraculous Accomplishments", wouldn't you agree? Such an expression of the Human power of Will alone should always be considered PROOF by the Autistic mindsets example, instances that we can definitively deem EXTRA sensory. That's qualification enough (to ME, at any rate) to be classified ExtraSensory Perception, which is (according to Wikipedia.com): Extrasensory perception (ESP) involves reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind...

•L.1.F.3.•MeMe•E-Zine•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora