[53]. I'm Always Right...

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I'm conceited. Self centered almost to the point of narcissism. I have a big mouth, am so self assured that I boarder on egomaniacal and have a 0% lacking in self esteem. I'm always right. Even when I'm wrong I was right initially and just had to change my mind to fit developing circumstances. If you disagree with me then that just proves I was right to begin with and you're just mad because you weren't right first!

On the other hand, I care a great deal for the opinions of others. Without the opinions of others, what would I be able to compare my own inestimably infallible points of view against? See, I'm right again! I'm totally awesome! I don't go out of my way to hurt the feelings of others. Why should I? When others come running to me with their silly questions and half baked postulations they usually end up dashing their own hopes and emotional baggage against the bricks of this great well of wisdom and intellectual prowess that I represent anyway so, any effort on my part to shatter the aspirations of others is simply unnecessary and a waste of my own considerable powers of mind and presence!

Man, I'm just too cool! When I step outside the sun asks me how I want my day to go. I'm usually too busy thinking about how I'm going to save the planet from itself or what next great accomplishment I will personally accomplish in my never ending quest to accomplish things towards the greater benefit of all mankind.

Because I'm the BOMB! I don't care what anyone else thinks of me. I'm far too busy thinking awesome things about myself to care what anyone else thinks of me. If you're thinking bad things about me then the bad things you're thinking can only mean good things as far as I go, because I'm always right. ALWAYS right, that's me. And you're not me so you're not always right...

Anybody got a dollar?

(Although this post is obviously a JOKE, still, what does the spirit of the previous missive say about me, to YOU, if you "read between the lines"? I'm positive if anyone reading this got at least a chuckle out of it, the underlying focus of the piece is very revealing on PURPOSE. Any takers? Anyone? Anybody at all?)

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