[5]. Not Wrong? No Worries!

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Kenn gets online and checks his message boards, emails, jobsites, chat logs, private messages and Network Statuses, and he doesn't have a care in the world that he's being monitored. He scrolls through his homework assignments and other academic endeavors online, looks at possible employment activity as he fills out another application, click and drag resume, tighten up the loose fields... and the fact that theres someone out there scrabbling at the Edges of his virus protection, just dying to get in doesn't bother him in the least...

Now sure, there are other surveillance "threats" lurking about out there but the best rule EVER when it comes to the internet and all the modern devices that exist with access to it:

If you don't want trouble...

...don't go looking for it! The ones who are doing the MOST wrong online are ALWAYS the ones out there just waiting for YOU to let THEM in. If you want perverts hammering at your cyber doors then go look at some PORN. If you'd rather cyber thieves then, go right ahead! Make a bunch of unprotected credit card purchases online and see how fast you get robbed! And what about those Cyber-Pharmacologists! Cooking up all kinds of nasty ways to KILL YOUR COMPUTER!

So yeah... If you're not doing anything wrong then you really don't have much to worry about; as long as you stay AWAY from the bad guys (for the most part) they can't bother you...

As for the more persistant, Criminal Master Minds (I can't believe I just said that out loud) and the Government... oh well! And don't get me started on the Corporations... sheesh... there's ALWAYS going to be someone looking over our shoulders, so get over it. That's what Governments DO, people! So all of you nutjobs with the aluminum foil hats need to just whip those bad boys off and just get USED to it...

YES! The CIA had a top secret mind control program... at one time... FACT! If the conspiracy theorists ARE right, and the government really HAS reverse engineered ALIEN TECHNOLOGY so that we blind, beggin' poor folks can have the THOUSANDS of techno-comforts that we take so sorely for granted? Well, if the loonies are right then why are they so surprised that the Government snoops and the Corporations spy and the Criminal Masterminds steal? It's THEIR technology, goofy!

So don't be downloading kiddie porn, talking about terrorist plots, threatening to kill national leaders, discuss blowing up airplanes, film yourself having sex with multiple partners... just don't be STUPID online...

Don't do anything that you even think might be wrong online and you really don't have much to worry about. You're already being watched. Don't give them anything to LOOK at and there will be nothing for them...


...and another thing...

...if the Conspiracy nuts ARE right, why are they so nuts to get their hands on PROOF of "alien tech" in the hands of Governments? Why don't they understand the probability that, if there actually IS Alien Technology and they DID get to look at it...

What if it turns out to be some unfathomable fourth or fifth dimensional stuff that would twist your mind like a taffy spindle through wet candy?

So yes, in a nutshell, the only folks who really and truly are worried about invasion of privacy online are most probably the ones up to no good end on the Internet in the first place, so...

Not Wrong? No Worries!

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