Chapter 2 ( The Tsundere Couple)

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The next day, Nico was walking around the school as she looks at the post of Honoka, Kotori and Umi's that they will like to have a new member to join their school idol group. Nico was planning to join that group but she has to take care her club that she created when she was a 1st year, the Idol Research Club. As day passes, there was a first live concert from Umi, Kotori and Honoka post. There were 6 students who watched and listen their concert, Hanayo first who gets to arrive follow by Rin, then Nico who secretly hides between the front and back seats, Eri who watched them on the back room of the auditorium, Nozomi who lean against the wall outside behind the door of the auditorium and listens to the performance, and Maki who follows from Nozomi but she was  hiding from her and listens too.

When the performance was done, Nico was amazed as she went out of the auditorium and starts thinking if herself want to join that group or not. 2 days after, Nico suddenly joined the group along with her classmates, Eri and Nozomi. The 3 of them are 3rd years, the 1st one who entered are the 1st years.

Maki was playing piano on the music room. When she was playing, she heard someone clapping from her play and it was Nico who was playing "That was a nice play, Maki" said Nico with a smile to Maki. "T-Thanks...I-It doesn't mean I a-appreciate it or whateve" said Maki with a light blush and looks away, "How mean" said Nico with her face pouting. "Maki can I ask you something..?" said Nico while blushing slightly. "What is it?" said Maki with a confuse look to Nico. "Will you go out with me t-tomorrow?" said Nico as she bows. "Y-You mean like a d-date?" said Maki with a surprise look anf blushing. "Y-You can say that but I-I mean a friendly outing time, you know.." said Nico, blushing more. "O-Ok I accept" said Maki, agreeing with Nico.

Nico was surprise when Maki agree as she was so happy and she hugs Maki. Maki was blushing when Nico hugged her as she looks away, blushing and twirling her hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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