Heartbreaking Remembrances

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"Mia!" She heard someone yell. Turning around, she saw Chase running towards her which brought a slight smile to her face.

"Hey Chase," Mia greeted once he came to a stop. That's when the smile that was once on her face fell straight off as she began, "We need to talk."

The smile he had was wiped off from his face as soon as it came. Before Mia could continue he cut her off, "I think we should break up"

It took her a while to register what he had said but when it did, it was as if everything came crashing down. Like she was crushed underneath this pile of heartbreak and the pieces of her lost life.

She whispered a barley audible 'what' but of course he heard.

He sighed and began to explain, sounding like he was making this up as he spoke, "I just don't want you to get hurt, and to be honest I don't think we're ready for a relationship. You've never had a boyfriend until me and I just left the basement for the first time in 15 years. I'm sorry Mia."

Mia shut her eyes tight to stop the endless amount of tears from pouring out and nodded regretfully.

As he turned around and began to walk away Mia exclaimed panicked, not wanting him to leave, "Chase wait!"

He turned around, a hopeful yet broken expression written across from it, "Yes Mia?"

"Can we at least be friends? So it won't be awkward between us whenever we all hang out?"

Mia stuck out her hand as if to make a deal as he hesitantly shook it. They held on like that for a few moments till Chase plastered on a fake smile and said, "Friends."

She agreed, her heart shattering in the process, "Friends."
I sat up, sweat dripping down my forehead looking as if I had just taken a shower in bed.

It felt as if my heart was hammering in my chest so hard that any second now it would break free from my chest. Suddenly, a soft purring was heard besides me as soft fur rubbed itself against my shaking hand and then on I knew it was Salem.

Leo had explained to me that Salem was my cat, he often stayed here but would sometimes wander off and disappear within the academy. At first, he terrified me because I didn't know whether or not he would hurt me in my sleep but after a few days I gave up on pushing him away and let him in.

He was like any ordinary cat, loved yarn, purred when I pet him and slept everywhere. But the thing that threw me off was that whenever I felt upset or hurt he would always try to console me. I didn't mind though. Especially now.

My eyes were watery and my face was wet with tears. That dream had my heart clenching so much I thought I had a heart attack in my sleep.

Though a heart attach would probably feel way better than whatever the hell I just felt. And saw.

Chase dumped me.

Chase dumped me.

Chase dumped me.

I didn't know how many times that thought would be circling my head. My prediction, until I saw him again.

I absolutely dreaded the thought.

I didn't want to see him. I already have these weird feelings for Adam and I don't need Chase getting in the mix. I mean, when I kissed Adam, I'm not going to lie, that was something. I felt goosebumps run up and down my skin at the thought of it. Even if it was a flashback.

But Chase...

The second I woke up, I felt myself wanting to see him and know what he was doing. Sure, I didn't really have any memories of him (up until now) but he made those goosebumps Adam gave me like it was just a small tickle that barely affected me.

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