
The Monday after the Summerton game, my English teacher decided to assign a new project. 

"Alright, class," she started, "today we're going to start a unit on Shakespeare." The entire class groaned, myself included. "Don't act like that, you'll live. Besides, Shakespeare is a wonderful author."

Knowing my English professor, this would be a group project. I sighed and began to scan the room, looking for anyone I'd be able to pair up with and not want to die horribly. Thankfully, I was able to spot not only Finn, but also Chris and PJ - two lads whom I worked with last year and whom I enjoyed quite a bit. We exchanged looks and grinned at each other.

"Don't get too carried away, though. I have assigned each of you a partner."

Noooooo, I thought. Noooooo.

"Chris and PJ, you're a group." she stated, looking at her clipboard intently

They cheered somewhat silently, which earned them a strange look from the professor.

"Zo and Alfred, you're working together," she continued. I heard Zo draw in a sharp breath from behind me, and I had to suppress a giggle. Zo had a massive crush on Alfie. I hated him, and a lot of other people did as well, but she didn't seem to realize how obnoxious and generally hateable he was.

I didn't listen to the professor waffle on about groups until I heard my name being called. "Emma, you're with Lucas."


"Go on and find your groups, then, and agree on what play you're going to read.

I shuffled across the room, looking lost until someone grabbed my wrist gently from behind. Startled, I turned to face the person, who had short red hair and pale skin.

"Hi," he said, smiling gently, "I'm Lucas."

Damn, was he cute.

This is short I'm sorry but I have school tomorrow and idk if I'll be able to write

I think this one is gonna have short chapters idk

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