Chapter 4

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Mr.M - Mr.Matthews
L - Lucas
R - Riley
M - Maya
F - Farkle
C - Corey
T - Topanga
J - Josh
A - Auggie
Maya's pov:

After Lucas and Riley left I continued to walk Farkle to nurses office once I got there the nurse asked me what had happened then she told me to come and check on after my next class. I was walking back to class until I see Lucas Kiss Riley !!! Awwwww there so cute together.

M - "Sup guys, did you guys have fun eating each other's faces ?"

I said with a smirk on my face

L - "As a matter of fact , we did have fun"

R -"And it was a really nice kiss. Really."

M - "............ Well we better get to class"

L -"Yeah your right let's go"

They walked in to history class that was tought by Mr.Matthews (Riley's dad)

Mr.M - "Hey Guys, why isn't Farkle with you ?"

M - " He's in the nurses office"

Mr.M - "why ?"

R - " Because Maya told Farkle that she loooovvvveeeesss him ❤"

M -" -_-"

M - "I have to go check on him after class"

Bell Rings*

Mr.M - " Class has started ,take a seat."

Lesson begins*

Mr.M - "Can anyone tell me what are Green Land and Ice land ?"

R - " Ice land is a land of ice"

Mr.M -"Wrong"

M - "Then Green land is a land of Green"

Mr.M - "Wrong"

M -"Stupid countries don't even know what they are, Stupid countries. "

Mr.M - " It was the opposite of what you both girls said. If I say green land you assume it's nice and beautiful there because it's like nature. Well your wrong !
Green land is the exact opposite it's cold and it's winter all the time. But if I say ice land you assume it's clod but, its not. Ice land is warm, and has a lot of green and it's never winter. ..

Mr.M - "Don't judge something by its cover"

Bell Rings*

Mr.M - "Class over"

M - "Well you guys can go .I have to pick up Farkle from the nurses office.?

L - "Hey we should have a double date them have a sleep over at my house"

M - "Sure thing , Bucky Mcboing boing"

R -" I'll be there , No Matter what My Dad Says !"

L - "Great I'll meet you guys later them at my house around 6 ."

M - "I'll tell Farkle about the sleep over and double Date."

Hey Guys
How's my story so far ✔
Did you like it ✅
Should I continue ✔

You guys can leave request on what to do next I'll try to update Tom or layer today of I can ... Love ya

- Nathalia

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