Chapter 4

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I moved my hand up so it landed on the door knob. I turned it to the right, making the door open. Walking in, I noticed how silent it was. I took my shoes off, grabbing my slippers. He was no where to bee seen. I took the stairs up and walked in to our bed room, he wasn't there. I changed, pulling the t-shirt over my head and shorts down my ankles before I kicked them off. I grabbed my sweat pants and pulled a tank top over my head.

"Are you home?" I heard his voice ask as I walked down the stairs. I turned around to face him. His eyes where red, teared up and miserable. It broke my heart to see that he had been crying.

"I just went for a run." I said in a whisper before I started to walk down the stairs again. He followed as I walked in to the kitchen, grabbing the can of water and poured it in to a glass.

"I'm sorry." He said, coughing. I turned around to face him, not really sure if he just had told me what I thought I heard.

"I know I did something wrong and it won't happen again. You know and love and care for you, only you. Not Mollie, or Ruby, or Kendall. You." He said as he walked towards me and embraced me in a hug. I allowed a tear to fall, feeling satisfied for once.

"Thank you. I love you to bits." I said, pecking his lips. He didn't leave it with a peck but started kissing me, lovingly. I smiled, kissing him back and feeling happy again. I broke the kiss, leaving him standing alone in the kitchen as I walked up the stairs and in trough the door to our room. I didn't close it behind me, knowing that he would be back in a minute with something to eat.

I smelled chicken the whole way up to the bedroom. A smile placed itself on my face. I walked towards the telly, turning it on and looked for a good movie.

"Hey, The Perks of Being A Wallflower is on in twenty minutes!" I hollered downstairs, getting no reply. With the remote in my hand I walked to the bed and threw myself on it. I crawled in under the duvet as I felt how the smell of chicken came from just outside the door. He walked in, carrying two plates in his hands. I smiled, pulling the duvet on the other side away so he could crawl under.

"Here, princess." He said, handing me the plate. I thanked him with a kiss.

We ate our food as we watched the movie, our favorite. I allowed tears to fell during the movie but he wiped them away, kissing my hand as our fingers intertwined. I felt how my eyelids became heavier and I slowly drifted of to sleep.

I woke up with him next to me, still sleeping. I rose up from the bed as I rubbed my eyes. I changed in to shorts and a jumper, feeling a bit chilly. My feet took me down the stairs and I walked in to the kitchen, turning the kettle on. I heard how the water boiled as I took out our box with tea in it. I placed two mugs on the island and poured the boiling water in to them. I placed the tea bags in the mugs as I made circles in the water with a spoon.

"Two sugar for you." I said to myself, dropping two sugar squares in to his tea. "And milk for me." I finished, pouring the milk I just took out from the refrigerator in to the mug.

With the mugs in my hands I walked up the stairs and in to our room, seeing him still lying in the bed. I tipped on my toes towards the table next to the bed, gently placing the mugs there.

"Wake up!" I yelled in a whisper as he turned around so I spooned him. "Now." I demanded while I kissed his neck.

"I'm up, I'm up." He said, sitting up. The tired boys eyes focused on me as he smiled. His eyes travelled to the mugs placed on the table and the smile changed to a grin.

"You made us tea?" He said with a cute voice. I nodded, receiving several kisses from his dry lips. I handed him the mug and he drank it, looking at me while he did so.

"Was it good?" I asked, knowing the answer was yes. He nodded while he swallowed the hot liquid and I smiled, taking another sip from the tea I held in my frozen hands.

We drank our tea in silence, none of us took the effort in to making small talk, too tired. We walked down the stairs with our mugs and placed them in the dish washer. I walked to the living room to turn the radio on while he walked up the stairs again.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked while my green eyes where placed on his blue ones. He looked around, stopping on the window. The sun was shining and London looked amazing from outside our window.

"Let's go get dinner with the boys and go clubbing later." He suggested while I nodded, I loved his friends. I took a look on the clock hanging above our bed. 2 pm.

"Already?!" I said, rushing out of the door and in to the kitchen again. I picked out egg and bacon to cook for us. I prepared it and placed it on plates.

"Food's ready!" I shouted upstairs.

"I'll be right there!" He shouted back.

I walked towards the kitchen table and put our plates next to each other. I walked back to the refrigerator and pulled juice out from the door. I walked with two glasses in my hand and placed them on the table again before he could walk in.

We ate and talked about the evening. We decided to go to Funky Buddha, my favorite club. We continued our discussion about where to eat and decided to eat at T.G.I Friday's, the boys would meet us there.

Time passed and before I knew it the clock was already four. I rushed up the stairs and in to the bathroom, pulling makeup out of my makeup bag. I applied foundation, powder, blush, lipstick, mascara and eyeliner, feeling that it was a good occasion to get extra ready.

"Wow." I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to face him. His quiff was up again and the pretty blue eyes looked at me. I smiled, pecking his lips and pulled away. He embraced me, placing his hands on my bum. I laughed, moving them up instead.

"Uh uh." I said as I shook my head. He laughed, kissing my lips before walking out of the door and in to our bedroom. I took the straightener in my hand, moving it over my hair in an attempt to make it flat.

Tonight was going to be fun.

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