Chapter 10

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I woke up to the smell of bacon. I smiled a little, knowing Harry was in the kitchen making us breakfast. I rose up from the bed and moved my way to the wardrobe. I opened it and a note fell out, landing on the floor. I got down on my knees to pick it up and I read it out loud to myself.

'D. Walker

11 am

Thursday 16/5'

I rolled my eyes at the note and took my phone from it's charger to look at the clock. 9:30 am. I locked it again, swooping it in to my pocket before I walked down the stairs, following the smell of breakfast.

"Hi Harry." I said with a smile as I walked up to the curly haired boy standing in t-shirt and boxers. He turned around, holding a spatula in his hand. He smiled at me, gesturing for me to go get some plates for us. I did so, standing on my toes to reach the plates in the top of the cabinet. I took glasses from the same cabinet and I balanced the objects to the dinner table.

"Here you go." He said, placing bacon and eggs on my plate and the rest on his plate. I dug in and with the food in my mouth I began to thank Harry for the breakfast.

"This is so good!" I said with a smile, looking at Harry with happy eyes. "I have to go to the shrink at 11." I said after I finished chewing. He looked up at me and nodded, taking another bite of his egg.

"Do you want a ride?" He asked with kind eyes. I nodded at him, I didn't have my car here, it was still at mine and Louis' flat.

"That would be really kind of you." I said, looking at him while I nodded. He smiled back before he walked away from the table and towards the dishwasher. I followed him, handing him the dishes. I thanked him before I walked up the stairs to take a shower. The smell of apples struck the room as I applied shampoo to my wavy hair. I rubbed it in before taking the same smelling conditioner.

With a towel wrapped around my body I walked in to Harry's guest room and took out clothes to wear for today. The sun shined in through the window, London looked beautiful. I took out a pair of denim, high waisted shorts and a white top to go with it. I looked in the mirror, feeling happy about my decision of clothes.

With my makeup on and my hair in a messy bun on top of my head I walked down the stairs with a pair of heels in my hands. I looked at Harry, sitting in the living room, watching a movie.

"Ready to go?" He asked as he noticed me. I nodded and he rose up, he had sweat pants on this time.

We walked next to each other to the car, driving to my first meeting.

I thanked Harry for the ride before I jumped out of the car, leaving him standing on the parking lot until I walked in to the building, he liked to make sure I was safe. We decided I would call him after the meeting so he could pick me up. He made his way to Liam's flat, just a couple of blocks away.

I walked in to the building that looked just normal. The walls had been painted with an mat blue colour but the wall behind the desk was white.

"Charlie Morgan Thomas?" I heard a voice holler so I turned my head towards the direction I heard it coming from. I tiny girl in a blazer looked at me with a smile. I nodded towards her, confirming my name.

"Mr. Walker is waiting for you." She said and kept the smile placed on her red lips. She walked away from the desk, instructing me to follow, which I did. We walked trough a wide corridor, the walls filled with paintings, knockoff Picasso's.

"In here." I heard her pretty voice tell me as I looked at the girl with the red lips to see she was pointing at a closed door. I nodded and she walked off, leaving me alone outside the door. I knocked twice before I stepped inside.  The sun shined right in to my eyes and I squeezed them shut. I stepped aside so I could see D. Walker's face.

"Hi Charlie Morgan." He said, looking at me. I looked back,observing him. He had short, brown hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in a suit and had big glasses over his eyes. He looked good.

"Hello." I said before I realized what he had called me. "Just Charlie." I said. He gestured for me so sit down on a sofa right in front of his arm chair. I did so, crossing my legs. He leaned forewords, stretching out his hand. I took it and he shook my hand slightly before speaking his name.

" David Walker." He said with a smile.

"Charlie, obviously." I said as a joke. He laughed a little while he nodded, leaving a moment for silence.

"So.." He began, looking through papers. "How are you feeling?" He asked, looking at me with a calm expression. I shrugged a little.

"Fine." I said, nodding to myself.

"That's good.." He said, writing it down on a paper. "Tell me about Louis." He said as he looked at me with a smile. I thought a little, what should I say?

"Well, he is my friend." I said and David Walked nodded. "We live together." I said and he kept on nodding. "It's complicated." I said, finishing it off.

"Can you tell me why?" He asked, looking at me for an explanation. I nodded but thought for a while how I would describe our situation in words.

"I love him, he loves me. We are like a couple, but as the same time we are best friends, or enemies. We can choose. It started out really good, we fought a lot though but we made it work. But now, I don't know why, I get jealous all the time. I didn't want that so right now we are having some time apart, it's for the best." I said, feeling like that was the best explanation I could think of. David Walker nodded, writing it down again.

"Okay." He said.

The rest of the conversation revolved around my relationship with Louis and with Harry for a weird reason.

"So Harry is your best friend?" David Walked asked and I nodded, he truly was. "Do you fancy him?" He asked, sounding shy but at the same time harsh, like he tried so make him self sound harsh.

"No!" I said, laughing. "Harry is my best friend, nothing more. That's just wrong." I spoke, looking at him for a second. "He is like my brother." I finally said and David Walker wrote it down again.

"Sorry." He said shyly. "But you describe him like a person you have feelings for, or that he has feelings for you." David Walker said, pushing the words out from his mouth. I shook my head as I looked at him.

"We are just friends." I said, taking a moment to inhale. "Just friends." I finished while David Walker nodded, looking down in his papers and started talking again. The conversation revolved around my friends, mostly Ruby and Mollie, my family and how I felt about my mother passing away last year. I was still sad, I couldn't deny that. Dad and I hardly spoke and I had no contact at all with my brother but it didn't affect me that much. 

After talking for an hour we decided to end the conversation and he gave me another appointment next week, same time, same day, same room. I thanked him, shaking his hand before I walked out the way I came. In the corridor I took my phone from my back pocket, calling Harry. 

"Hi." His deep voice answered in a simple greeting.

"Pick me up, will you?" I said, sounding a bit stressed. I could hear him tell Liam he had to go before he coughed a little, asking me a question just after.

"I'll be right there. Is it okay if Liam comes along?" He asked while I giggled a little in response. "Yes." I heard Harry tell Liam before he hung up and I knew he would be there in a minute.

As I thought the boy's drove up on the parking lot just a minute after the phone call with loud music on. I walked up to them, Liam opened the door for me to get in. I did so, sitting next to him in the back seat while Harry was alone in the front seat, switching songs on his phone. 

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