Chapter 6

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He slammed the door shut behind him while I walked up the stairs and in to our bedroom. I threw my heels on the ground and got in to the bed, pulling the duvet over my dressed body. I heard how his footsteps got closer and closer until he stopped outside the door. I closed my eyes, hoping it would make him disappear but it didn't pay of. The door opened and so did my eyelids. I watched him walk in to the room, sitting down on the chair I tried to sleep on a couple of days ago. I rose up from the bed and made my way to sit on the other side so I would face him.

"I'm mad at you." I said but remained calmness in my voice. He looked at me and pulled the lower lips between his teeth and bit on it while I talked. "You told me you wanted me not her." I said as I caught his attention again. He shook his hand while he sighed, avoiding eye contact. 

"I want you, not her. I just talked to her okay, what do you want me to say?" He asked, looking desperate. 

What did I want him to say? I'm sorry? No, I really didn't know what I wanted his pretty, thin lips to tell me. He had to find that out himself. I'm not going to be here all the time to help him.

"If you wanted me you wouldn't have spoken to her. You looked at her in that way again." I managed to speak while tears threatened to fall. I didn't look up at him, scared that the tears would fall if  I did so. 

I knew he understood what I meant though, that look he had one sometimes when he looked at me. I just wanted to see it when he looked at me, not at someone else. When he bit his lip, looking up and down my body with a craving expression that made me want him so badly. It made me feel special, like I was the only one for him. Which I clearly wasn't.

"Charlie, I love you so much." He said as a tear fell down his bloodshot eyes. "You had me from the first day. I would never ever be unfaithful, I hope you understand that. I didn't look at Ruby that way and I am so sorry for even making you think that I did. You are the only one for me." He finished, looking at my eyes while tears kept on falling. I didn't look at him, seeing him cry would tear me apart. With closed eyes I could hear how he sobbed, wiping tear after tear away as he waited for my response.

"Lou." I began, taking a moment to sort my thoughts. "I'm getting tired of this." I said, allowing a tear to fall while he sat still, shaking his head. Another tear fell, followed by a lot more. I could feel how my cheeks got soaked. I tried to wipe the water away but failed as the tears didn't want to stop falling. 

My body rose up but my thoughts didn't follow. My feet made me run away from him and in to the bathroom. My fingers fiddles with the lock just after I closed the door. After locking the door I leaned against the wall and my legs failed to keep me standing as I fell to the ground. I buried my face in my hands as tears fell without stopping. My sobbing got out of control and my mind traveled away. 

"Charlie?" I heard how a voice came from outside the door. I ignored it as I closed my eyes. "Charlie, please open up. Don't do this." He ordered while I let tear after tear fall, not even bothering to wipe them away anymore. 

I missed the old us, the ones we were in the start. I remembered the first time I saw him, I think I fell in love right away. The wet skin, water dripping down from his hair as he walked out of the water. My eyes stuck on him made me fall flat on the sand, face first, as I tripped on a rock. I remembered how he ran towards me, pulling me out of the sand and laughing at my covered face. I smiled too, blushing so much I felt feverish. He asked me if I was okay, the first words his pretty lips ever spoke to me ringed in my ear. I  nodded yes as he smiled again before running off to the boy I would know to be Liam. 

This all happened in Australia so when we met again in London I felt special, like we were meant to be. I saw him standing next to his friends at the club and our eyes met. He observed me a little before walking up to me and embraced me. The second words he spoke to me was 'Hey, aren't you the girl from Australia?' I nodded yes again, he hadn't heard me speak once. 'You have a face I would never forget.' He spoke, making them the third pair of words he spoke to me. I blushed before he walked away, leaving me not replying. 

The third time we met, inside Jack Wills where I worked, he didn't speak to me. But he whispered to the boy next to him I would get to know as Harry, and he spoke to me. The first words out of that boy's mouth were simple. 'Speak.' He demanded on the other boy's behalf.  A nod had been my answer before I moved my way from behind the desk and towards the boys standing in front of it. 'Charlie.' I had introduced myself, shaking hands with the two boys and found out their names through Harry because the other boy still refused to speak. The Louis boy whispered in to the Harry boy's ear which made him look at me again. 'Do you have a pen?" He said, again on Louis' behalf. I nodded and walked behind the desk and handed Harry a pen. He gave it gently to Louis who reached for my arm. I held it out for him as he scribbled numbers with an inc pen on to my arm. He gave the pen back to me and walked away, out of the store with Harry next to him. They didn't wave goodbye, or hollered goodbye, not even a smile goodbye, but I knew from that moment that that boy was something special. 

When I got off work I decided to text him, trying to find out what the non speaking thing was all about. 

'Hi Louis. It's Charlie, you know the girl you didn't speak to ;)'

'Hi! I'm not going to speak to you until you have spoken two more sentences :)' He replied, making a smile spread on my face.

He sure was something special.

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