Chapter 3 - Sleepover

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You wake with a start, someone knocking loudly on your door.You turn to your side and check the time. 8:00. You jump up out of bed and walk to the door. You pull back the latch and unlock the door, then open it slightly. You look through the crack to see Dan, his eyes full with tears. He seems to be shaking, his mind frantic. You open the door wider and hurry him inside. You take his hand, and pull him into the sitting room, sitting him down on the couch. You hurry to your kitchen, getting a cold glass of water, giving it to him. Rushing to your room, you yank your blanket of the bed, and with big strides back to the living room, you wrap the blanket around a shaky Dan who is sipping the water from the glass. You take the glass from him, placing it on your coffee table. Taking a seat on your floor, you take shaking Dan's hands, holding them tightly, staring him in the eyes. "Dan, what's wrong?" You ask, your voice full of concern. Dan gulps and takes a shaky breath.
"I-I... I had a nightmare." He whimpers.
"A nightmare? Why didn't you wake Phil up and tell him?"
"Because I didn't want him to know what the nightmare was about." He whispers, his eyes darting everywhere just so he didn't have to look at your eyes. You squeeze his hands tighter.
"What was the nightmare about, then?" You notice his cheeks go red, but his tears slip down his cheek faster. His eyes slowly lock into yours once again.
"Well..." There was a silence.
"Promise you won't mention this to Phil?"He asks, leaning closer to you. You nod. 
"I came to you because... I had a nightmare about you..." He starts. "At first it was just a pleasant dream. We were both in a happy relationship. But one day, I woke up to find you missing. I had received a text from a private number, saying to come to a certain address. I rushed as fast as I could to the address, and when I finally got to the address, and I went inside I found you tied up. Your kidnapper demanded something from me. I can't remember what it was. But I couldn't give it to them so they started threatening me. I kept refusing, so your kidnapper... they... they turned around and shot you in the head. And all I could do was stand there, and watch your brains splatter everywhere... And the kidnapper just disappeared. Then I woke up..." He breaks down into sobs, spluttering and wheezing. Your cheeks are pink and warm. 
"D-don't cry, Dan. I'm right here. I'm fine, see?" You smile. As the crying Daniel looks at you, you stand up, then sit on the couch next to him. You turn and face him, wiping his tears away from his tender cheeks. "I'm right here, and I won't be leaving from here. You're stuck with me forever, sadly." You let out a giggle, and Dan smiles and chuckles too. 
"Thank you, (y/n)."
"Don't worry about it... Anything to make sure you're okay." 
"Can I sleep, (y/n)?" 
"S-sure... you can use my bed if you want." Dan shakes his head, and as you were just about to move, he lays across your lap. The both of you blush, and Dan snuggles your thighs. With a yawn and a "sleep tight", Dan closes his eyes and drifts into a peaceful sleep. You decide to follow along, closing your eyes and drifting off into sleep.

You're woken next by some kind of noise - a yelling, or cough, or something. Yawning, you force your eyes open to see a not very amused Phil standing there, hands on my his hips, tapping his foot. Dan is still asleep, his head now on your chest, his arms wrapped tightly around your body, and as you look at him you feel your cheeks warm up. You quickly force your blush to fade, then look at Phil. "What is it?" You ask.
"What are you doing with Dan?" He snaps, an angry glint in his eyes. Great. 
"He came to me this morning... he had a nightmare. He fell asleep on me after I calmed him down." You murmur, hiding the fact you're actually kind of afraid right now....
"What did he have a nightmare about?" Phil asked, softening up slightly. 
"He had a nightmare about losing you." You answered, lying so he didn't get mad. "He didn't want to tell you. He was scared." You continue. Phil smiles, and then laughs.

"I'm not really mad." He says. You tilt your head. "I was just seeing how you were going to react if I acted like I was mad, as if I had a thing for Dan." He chuckled and you feel the colour drain from your face. Phil takes a seat on the side of your couch and he smiles. "Dan likes you... a lot..." He starts, staring at Dan's soft, sleeping face. You detect a sadness in his eyes. "He talks about you all the time... looks at all your posts on social media, all your pictures. Everything..." His smile fades into a frown, and his eyes start to glint with tears. "I love Dan..." He whispers. "He doesn't like me back... I know he doesn't... I'm jealous of you, (y/n). He used to look at all of my posts and pictures one time. Did everything with me... I'm losing him to you." You feel guilt flood through your body.

"I-Im sorry, Phil,  I really am!" You choke out. Phil chuckles and smiles.

"Don't be sorry." He whispers, smiling. "Just take care of him." Phil jumps to his feet and returns to his cheery old self. "See ya later! Take Dan for a date or something today, he'll need it after the nightmare he had about you." He grins, and leaves. You sit there confused, but you feel Dan stirr and wake up. You look down at him then smile. "Morning, Daniel." You whisper, brushing his hair gently. He looks up at you and just smiles. You take a deep breath. "Want to go out for a date?" 

And that's exactly what you both did. You took Dan to a local restaurant and treated him to a meal. You learned more about each other. You took in everything Dan told you, storing it in your head. After that, you both went home. You to your apartment and Dan to his. 

And you both spent the rest of the day literally nothing. Nothing but talk to each other. All night into some ridiculous time in the morning. You stopped talking as you passed out on your bed, cuddling your phone with a picture of Dan on it. 

"Goodnight" You heard his sweet voice whisper to you. You smiled and slept.

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