Part Four

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Chapter 19

"So again," Zhun begins, "we'll walk down the steps, write the dreamer's name into the sand, and dive in. Once you're submerged, you'll be in the dream. You won't know what the world will be, who will be in it, who you will be in it. Just find the dreamer, protect them from Thieves, adapt to whatever happens, and when it is over. Tell them----"

"Tell them that I love them and that they're important to me, blow some sand in their eyes and put them back to sleep." I finish with a gentle smile, "I got it," trying to reassure her that I've remembered all of my training.

"Yes, you've got it entirely." She says, rolling her eyes.

"And we'll all meet back at the ice bath." Zeke adds.

I take a deep breath, and step one foot into the pool. The sand feels warm, the exact opposite of the frigid ice water that we will swim out of once the dream is over.

My mind races at how this could even be possible. How can diving into a pool of sand here, take us into someone's dream and then send us out of a pool of water on the other side of the cave?

When my other foot hits the warmth, my whole body is overwhelmed with fear. Do I just blindly believe these people? Do I dive in head first? I want to believe in the magic of it, but the rational part of me just can't let it go.

I look to Zeke who's already writing the child's name in the sand.


I want to ask about a thousand questions but they aren't giving me time.


The heat on my feet grows hotter.


The sound of the sand moving under his fingertip rings louder, as if my senses are heightened.


It runs inside my shoes like liquid and I feel taken by gravity.


I look around as the three of us look nearly translucent.


I can hardly breathe, my lungs heave for breath but nothing comes in or out.


Zeke finishes the last letter to spell the boy's name and only the outline of his body enters the sand, followed after by Zhun, but I can't get myself to move.

"Go Kurtis!" Bhagid urges me. "GO NOW!"

His words reverberate through my ears and I know that there's no turning back. I have no breath to hold, nor body to feel, so I dive forward into the quick sand that just consumed my friends.

The sand surrounds me with a warmness I can't even explain, like stepping into a hot bath and getting hugged by someone you've missed at the same time. I cram my eyes shut, or at least try to, as the sand glides across my skin. I grab a handful of it and shove as much as I can into my pocket. Then suddenly my feet land on solid ground.

I can breathe easily again, and yes-my feet are on solid ground.

Did I mess something up? Maybe the sand could tell I still had doubts and sent me back to land?

But where am I??

I carefully open my eyes to the world around me. Everything is dark. But my vision is perfect. So are my other senses, and it's raining. I can feel the chilly drops as they land on the backs of my hands and tink against the brim of my helmet. My hand reaches up to feel the thin metal brim circling my head.

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