Part Nine

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Chapter 42

"What's wrong with her?!" I yell, squeezing her cold hands as her body lies motionless on the steps of the pool.

Bhagid rushes in to the water, touching the cut across her throat and crying out.

"Why isn't she breathing?!" I yell again, lowering my ear to her chest, hoping for that steady beat that I know so well.

"Come on!" I gasp, hoping my fears aren't true and that my desire to keep her with me hasn't done the unthinkable.

The whole room gets silent. Everyone stands waiting too afraid to ask what went on below. And whatever happened down there, no matter how good-none of it matters if this girl doesn't live.

I think about the old man in my dream from the night before, the kindness in his sandy, bearded smile. The warmth of the sand he transferred to me.

I wrap my arms around her, holding her as tight as I can and closing my eyes against her wet hair. The water and sand had healed my injuries, is it enough to bring her back too?

I feel my temperature start to rise as the warmth of the sand spreads throughout me. It starts in my chest and creeping all the way through my limbs. It warms my legs and trickles down my arms until even the tips of my fingers are hot.

I remember what she had told me earlier tonight when I asked if she still believed in me. Her answer was, "Always."

Her ribcage swells into a desperate gasp and I almost don't let go. I almost can't open my eyes. The whole room lets out a cry and everyone rushes in around us to know what's really going on.

She looks around, confused, and wondering why she is getting so much attention, and how Zeke and Mati made it back before her. Then finally her eyes land on me with questions. Her thin shoulders tremble as she reaches for her own throat and finds the slice of Gloria's sword all healed.

"What happened?" She gasps finally.

"She's gone." I heave with a sigh and she hugs tightly.

I see over her shoulder that Mati's parents are doing the same to him. Hugging and kissing his forehead despite how mad I know they must have been.

"He did good." I tell them, and his father squeezes the boy even tighter than before, smiling through tears of relief.

I stand as Bhagid takes Zhun in his arms and I go to Zeke. I offer him my hand to shake. He hesitates, then wraps me entirely with both arms. His strong hand pounding on my back as he breathes short breaths through his nose, fighting back emotion.

"You got her." He finally gets out, and I nod against his wide shoulder.

I change into dry clothes quickly but I don't shave the beard. I wait outside of the wash room for Zhun as everyone gathers in the Grand Room. When she finally emerges she looks absolutely radiant. No crazy costumes or outfits. No deadly wounds or blood. Her hair falling straight down around her and her face shining brightly. She presses her palms against my hairy face and smiles, apparently liking the older look on me. And I guess I like the beard too.

I hear the celebration beginning in the next room. The sounds and smells of dinner seep through to our hallway and Mati rushes in to tell us to join the party. Zhun turns to follow him but I keep hold of her hand and pull it up to my lips. Since I pretty much made it obvious to everyone that I have feelings for her; I'm not afraid to hide it anymore. But standing alone with her in this hallway, looking at me like she does, makes me want her so badly I can't stand it.

"Zhun,-" I begin, but she stops me.

"I know, Kesh." She smiles, answering all of my questions without even needing to say them. I kiss her hand again and keep hold of it as we join the others.

Every candle is lit, even the high ones hanging from the round chandeliers on the ceiling, and their light illuminates the shimmery stones all around. Everything and everyone seems to sparkle. A long table is set with enough room for all of us fit together. Zhun and I take seats across from one another near the center. We eat warm soups, and tastes even better than it smelled from the hallway.

I eat until the whole bowl is gone and the others do the same. It's the first time since I've come here that I've gotten to see everyone together in the same room, and we fill every seat in the place. It's the first time in a long time that I don't feel hungry.

I don't think it's just the soup.

Everyone laughs when Mati describes how he'd told Livvy to turn herself in to a tree. I allow myself to follow along when he tells them how surprised I'd looked when I saw her barked face. His parents let him have this moment, as I had too, and I'm glad of it. Maybe it's the sign of some changes that need to be made.

I think rules are necessary but I also think they should change with the times. I believe I'm living proof of that, and as alive as the candle flames that dance their light for us and make our faces an exaggerated type of happy. They make Zhun look like a new picture to draw, so I memorize it to make a new memory. Not one that's afraid, or worried. One that smiles when she's holding my hand or like now when she's reading my mind and knows exactly what I want.

It was probably easy for two people to fall for one another in a dream, but to somehow live up to what we'd imagined in those dreams... and do it again in real life, that's just one of those things you have to believe in. Like a kid never giving up on his dreams. Or a man being made of sand.

But then again, I've never been one to brag.


I tuck the blankets in. Careful not to make a noise and wake the others sleeping soundly across the room, and reminding me of my own rules.

She smiles wide, showing all her teeth, and giving me another thing to love about her.

"See you soon." She whispers, and I tip toe back to my bed in the far corner away from hers.

I was upgraded from the cot to a real bed after proving my worth among the keepers. And this added bit of comfort lets sleep find me quickly, as if I needed it, and I'm right back where I left off.

Blue skies drift above, warm sand sticks to my toes, and the blue-gray water casts a salty ocean spray of fog all over. The morning mist is thick in the distance, and I see nothing except the white-capped waves and sand in either direction.

This is our place.

The waves rush and pound, their echoes reverberating off the glass as they had the first time I came here and every night since.

They say your sense of smell is most closely tied to memories, and I can see how that's true.

But as her figure forms in the distance, her bare feet sinking into the wet sand as the waves splash across her legs, I'm reminded how much I love sight too. Her skirt billows against the wind and extends out beside her, outlining her hips and waist. Her sleeves have fallen down, as they always do in this wind, and her eyes focus on the surf.

"Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh!" I sing, the salty air tingling my tongue.

Then her eyes meet with mine and that smile covers her face again.

She glides forward, leaving a foot print path.

I swallow hard as the nerves that remind me that I'm still only seventeen well up inside, but slip away like the sand in between my fingers. The handful of which is gone by the time she reaches me and left with the rest of it. We lace our fingers together-making a case for touch-and tying us to not just memories, but also each other.

Here where the sand meets with the water, like dreams with reality, and where we can always be together.


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