Part Five

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Chapter 25

"Are we ready?" Bhagid comes in and asks us. And of course I'm not, I haven't listened to a word he said about this mission, and all I've done so far to prepare was mess around with this sword. I can't even remember the kid's name!

I know; however, that now is not the time to let on to my failures. I have a job to do, and if I do it-I'll show Zhun she was right for believing in me and maybe keep her attention coming my way. I follow the others silently through to the Grand Room, and this time I know what to expect. Bhagid traces the wall, pours the water, revealing the hidden passageway, but it's just as impressive the second time.

We follow his torchlight through the tunnel and into the room with the pool of sand. The three of us step in gently, the warmth feeling familiar this time and I'm not nearly as afraid. Zeke bends until his fingertip skims the surface of the sand.






As he crosses the last letter I almost let out a sigh of relief that I'd kept my mouth shut earlier. I never would have guessed that name! The sand sinks into my shoes like liquid. Our translucent bodies all dive in together and Bhagid doesn't have to force me. I know dream entry is possible this time, and we will actually be there inside of it, feeling every detail, including the threat of thieves.

My feet land on the ground. I open my eyes to Rajet's dream world and am astounded. Unlike Timothy's, this dream is bright-spotlights shining all around and loud music playing. Vibrant colors arch over my head in bold blue and yellow strips and cross into a dome-like roof. I know I've seen it somewhere before as a child myself, but it was a long time ago...

"COTTON CANDY! COTTON CANDY! GET YOUR COTTON CANDY!" a man shouts from nearby. Then I see the band at the base of the bleachers. Their music is loud enough to reach the top row of seats that circle the dirt floored center stage.

A man on stilts with a funny hat stalks past me and I put the whole scene together. It's a circus! And lucky me, I have a front row seat in the audience. The stands are sparsely filled with people wearing dull grey and brown colors like me. I make note that not a single one is in red.

The ringleader runs past and I look out at the floor. He's pointing at the flaming hoops, knife jugglers, and dancing dogs in tutus. He's a middle-aged man, his mustache curled into points and as black as the stove-pipe top hat on his head. He's too old to be Rajet, so I keep searching. It's almost too much to take in and I wonder how a little boy could put so many details into one dream...

Then I remember that one important fact of every dreamer, everyone wants to be the star.

"Now for the main event!" the announcer yells, "The daring, the bold, the fearless! The bravest boy in all the land!"

I roll my eyes at how obvious it is; of course he would make himself the main attraction in his own circus. I feel like Zhun and the way she always seems to know what's about to happen or what I'm thinking and I clap along with the rest of the audience as the announcer continues his introduction.


The spotlights direct their attention to the center ring, illuminating a small boy. He's holding a leather whip in one hand and the other is drawn into a tight fist at his back. His smooth, cocoa skin gleams in the lights. His round cheeks shine under the spot light.

Then, slipping silently through a slit in the striped curtain of the far wall, a lion creeps out onto the floor. I remember the last time I saw such a large animal; it was at the zoo and before the fires.

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