dave and terezi..?

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Finally you made it to school. Shit...its 8:49!! The bell is gonna ring any- BRIIING- minute... You knew you were gonna be late so you decided just to skip first period and started texting dave as you made your way to your locker. Yes. Dave strider. The most popular guy in school, just so happens to be your childhood friend and crush. Not that HE would ever know you liked him.. I should just tell him....no. Than i would look like one of his fangirls. You quickly shook off the thought and texted dave

(y/n): yo
Dave: sup
(y/n): i was late so im skipping 1st period. Wanna hang out till the bell rings for 2nd period?
Dave: as cool as that sounds, im with someone.
Dave was with someone..?
(y/n): who?
Dave: terezi..
(y/n): oh..uh, ok. Well, text you later i guess. Wouldnt want to interupt anything.
Dave: yeah. Bye.
(y/n): bye.

Your eyes widened. Dave and....terezi?? Are they going out? Why didnt dave tell me!!? I'll talk to him about it later.. You were at your locker and started to put away the books and things you didnt need, and got ready for your favorite class. Language arts. Why was language arts your favorite? Lets just say, kankri is an exellent teacher... Just the way karkat hates it.

A/N: yes. Get ready for a shit storm of vantas!

Dave x Reader ~ Your mine, no one else's!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant