Its official

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Still your P.O.V~
Once 2nd period was over you headed out trying but failing to go to 3rd period when you were stopped by a very exited egderp-egbert. "Hi (y/n)!" "Sup derp face." you smirked as you watched him frown. "(y/nnnnn)!" you apoligized, and he continued. "Did you hear about dave's new girlfriend!? Crazy right??" you felt something rip your heart in two, but you asked just to make sure. You had a feeling you knew who it was.."W-who? Why didnt i know about this??" john looked as though he was surprised but then smiled. "Oh. Thats right! You dont have the same 2nd period as me, dave and terezi!" it was official. terezi...hearing that name, you knew your suspicions were confirmed. But john kept talking.."anyway, terezi was all over dave. And dave sat there and didnt do anything! So i asked him about it and he said it was 'totally cool' since they were dating! I honestly remebered him telling me he liked y- som-somebody else!" you were to busy trying not to cry that you didnt notice john's slip up. You accidently let a tear fall and after that they just wouldnt stop. John seemed to notice. "H-hey..are you okay!? Was is something i said?? All i said was th- oh..." it seemed to hit him. He quickly pulled you into a hug sheilding anyone from seeing you cry and you, being desperate for comfort, clung to him as if he were a life line. He patted your back whispering apoligies and 'dont worries' in your ear. You both were so busy you didnt notice you both looked like the exact picture of a couple. Or the stares. Especially the jelous one. "WHAT THE FUCK? I DIDNT KNOW EGDERP AND (Y/N) WERE DATING!" karkat stared in shock. He didnt think you both had THAT relationship. Daves glared even more. "1 D1DNT 31TH3R! D1D YOU D4V3?" dave onky looked at his 'girlfriend' for a few seconds before returning back to his glare. "I had no idea.."

Dave x Reader ~ Your mine, no one else's!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin