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Emma Iris walked down the hallways of her school, trying not to be seen by anybody. But she was the only girl who really stood out to everyone because of her blue hair. She had worn a black sweater and some ripped skinny jeans with some black converse, that she usually wore every day.

She couldn't really afford to buy new shoes, not that she's poor or anything, but because she thinks it's not worth it. I mean they are just shoes. Even though her parents were wealthy, she never bothered to dress up nice, unlike her other classmates. Most of their parents were wealthy too and would be wearing some new outfit every single day.

She had friends, but only a few, some are only pretending so Emma could help them on homework or tests, which she knew that of course.

As Emma was walking to her first period class she bumped into someone harshly. That person was her enemy, Avery.

"Watch it freak!" Avery shouted at Emma and pushed her, making it very hard for Emma to keep her balance. Emma landed on her butt, which hurt her a little. Everyone just stared at her and laughed along with Avery.

Emma's best friend, Luke and Calum came running towards the girl on the floor. They helped her up and both Luke and Calum gave Avery and her friends a very rude glare.

"You're lucky I can't hit girls," Calum told Avery, while he slammed the notebooks in her hands on the floor. Avery and her friends, Diana, Isabel, and Cassie all took a step back from the angry looking Calum.

"Are you Calum Hood?" Cassie asked and he nodded slowly. "Why would someone like you be hanging around with someone like her?" Cassie looked over at Emma, giving her a disgusted face. "I'm warning you, babe, you don't want to touch her dirty body."

"Oh fuck off, Cassie!" Calum shouted and Luke held him back. All three of them went inside their class, making sure they took a seat next to Emma. Their teacher let them sit anywhere they wanted, but only one rule: no talking. But that's every teacher's rules anyways.

"Hey, are you Emma Iris?" This blonde girl that went by the name, Leti, had turned to face Emma.

"Y-Yes I am,"

Leti started to chuckle, "You are one ugly girl."

Leti turned back around, talking to her boyfriend Michael who recently just sat down in his seat. Michael had heard the conversation and did not like the way Leti was talking to Emma like that. He never knew Emma properly but he knew there were a lot of bad rumors about her around school.

"Leti don't you have anything better to do than insulting people?" Luke asked, sitting up in his seat.

"And Luke don't you have anything better to do than be with her," Leti responded and gave Luke a smile.

Emma really felt unwanted, she wanted to just hang herself in her room and die. When the class begun, two people ran inside class. Two people that Emma despised the most out of this school.

Avery and Ashton.

"Hurry up and take your seats," The teacher said and both of them hurriedly walked towards their seats. The whole class had noticed that Ashton and Avery's hair was all messed up and Ashton's shirt was unbuttoned, while Avery's skirt was close to showing her private area.


new book :))))))))

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