Before Getting Fingers

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Girls theres couple things you gotta be sure of. Things like:

•your not smilling stink; he might be having his friends smell his finger, and it wouldnt be pleasant for it to stink, then everybody will know your name

•make sure your not on your period (unless your guy in into it, cause i know this one guy who would finger a girl in any condition(nigga probably got AIDS on his finger☺))

•Uhmmmmm, you cant be loose, cause it's his finger, so he'll be digging to see what you about (Unleas your a thot, and he knows your a thot)

•if u wanna moan, do it, but dont over do it, cause its not even his manhood inside just a little finger. Probably if its two fingers can moan.

• Never ask for another finger (unless your a thot) ( or unless he aint doing it good enough; dont pass two fingers) guys think of you dirty when you ask for another finger, they will automatically add another finger, when your wet enough to get another one in, but if you lose, he probably using his whole hand to please you.( LOL to self ).

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