Breast Massages

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Yes, you can actually make your boobs bigger applying correct massaging techniques. But, in case you are searching for fast breast enhancement methods, you'd be better off looking at other alternatives. Although you can choose surgery for enhancing your breast size, massage is apparently the safest choice. Interestingly, most women are prone to go under the knife. Only less than 10% of all women take into consideration massaging breasts to make them bigger.

You might be wondering why to apply breast massage when you can find efficient alternate options available to enlarge your breast size. Considering that the number of women who have actually done successful breast enhancement by using massage is fairly low, the question is very appropriate. But, this is only because of not enough understanding among women concerning the correct techniques.

Theoretically, breast massage can also be the simplest and most budget-friendly solution to boost your breast size. The good thing is that you can do the massaging yourself without any help. You will need only a cream or lotion which you can apply prior to rubbing them. That provides your hands a better grip and also allows you to massage the breasts smoothly.

A few minutes of daily massage will do the job and give you the results you want. Bear in mind that it takes time to see results so you have to be persistent. Do not expect success overnight because this is not a magical solution. Otherwise you should not use this breast enhancement method.

You will have to make the effort and spend the time in order to get the desired curves. The result will be worth your effort, firmer and perkier breasts which you will love.

How to Massage Your Breasts?

Follow the guidelines listed below to make sure that the massage is performed correctly.

Put your three longer fingers covering the breast. Slowly push downwards, starting from the nipple and move your fingers as you go along. Don't place too much pressure on your breasts because it would lead to pain.

Grab one breast with both hands. The best position for holding is cupping the breast. Using both your hands hold it but do not apply excessive pressure otherwise it can start to hurt. While holding the breast in the same manner start kneading it gently with your fingers. Continue for a couple of minutes and after that repeat this procedure on the other breast.

After that move to twirling. Just as before you should cup your breast with both hands. Now instead of kneading, move your both hands around the breast first clockwise and then counter-clockwise. Make sure that your grip is firm so the breast twirls while you move your hands. Do this motion a minimum of 10 times in both directions and than repeat it on the other breast.

Place your palms flat out over your breasts. But, make sure that the fingers or any part of the hand is not covering your areola. Slide your palms downwards on the breast however take care not to move them over your nipples. This could spoil the form of your nipples. Perform this step a minimum of 10 times as well.

Follow the instructions on the video. This will help you apply a proper massage techniques to increase your breast size successfully.

You can follow these steps to massage your breasts safely. There are no side effects or obvious risks of massaging your breasts. You should use a lotion or any cream to maintain the skin on your breasts wet while you are doing massage. But be patient with massage because it does take some time to deliver the desired results.

You can go even step further by using natural gel and pills for firming and enhancing the size and shape of your breasts. This way you can boost the effects of your breast massage.

I'm actually doing this one!! It works!

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